First and foremost, in order to form a social identity, you must first under go the process of social categorization. Social categorization is the process of placing people into social categories upon meeting them, based on nationality, language, race, ethnicity, skin color, and or any other social or physical characteristic. In simpler terms, when we meet people we are unknowingly placing people into distinct boxes based on nationality, language, race, ethnicity, skin color, and or any other social or physical attribute they posses. For example, when we meet someone and we identify them as Latino because of their brown skin, brown eyes, and Mexican accent, we are socially categorizing them as Latino because of their physical and social characteristics, essentially placing them into the “Latino box”. The process of social categorization is unknowingly done,…
These identities can be harmful as they can limit our freedoms and individuality. They can also have more serious implications and can limit one’s ability to lead a normal life as well as threaten their own safety. Kwame Anthony Appiah discusses the struggles of living as an African American in some of his writing, including being defined as and by his race. In his excerpt “Racial Identities”, Kwame Anthony Appiah describes the struggles of living under modern racial stereotypes, suggesting that racially charged social identities can have detrimental effects on one’s individuality and one’s ability to be a functioning member of society. African Americans do not all share the same identity.…
When establishing social identity it is not just a single identity, but multiple identities that fight with each other to be shown in one person. Identity is not about showing others who you are, but showing yourself who you are. That correlates with development of oneself because for example Laura Rendon a chicano who overcame what she went through to better herself and the life for her kids…
Cultural Identity is the combined values and characteristics that shape how an individual perceives themselves. An individual's role in society can be affected by how others perceive the individual based on the values associated with his or her cultural identity. As shown in A.S. King and Mireya Navarro’s writing, the cultural elements of social organization and customs and traditions affect an individual’s role in society. Customs and traditions affect how an individual and society interact with each other. Customs are often particular to a culture and can have certain meanings depending on which culture the custom is from.…
Jessica, I like the way you tied this whole paragraph together, relating other minorities and genders to the issues pointed out by the author. Your use of quotes I think is spot on for the discussion question. It is important that we not only gain a sense of greater understanding from learning about social problems, but use what we have learned to make a difference within society. The struggle of African American males, while the most prominently discussed social issue in the book, is not the only social aspect in desperate need. Many of the issues plaguing the African American community, as you have pointed out, have manifested within other minority communities around the country.…
As a result of being born African American, Coats had to confine living in black neighborhoods, never being able to live in a white suburb. "I knew that my portion of the American galaxy, where bodies were enslaved by a tenacious gravity, was black and that the other liberated portion was not. I knew that some inscrutable energy preserved the breach. " It's important to realize, that even today, lawmakers are hindering the influence of African American communities. For example, every 10 years the census takes place and the government records how many people are living in various regions.…
The African-American survived due to the fact they helped each other, they took care of each other not only blood relatives but others also. During slavery everyone helped to raise each other’s children especially when parents were sold to other slave owners, other adults in the slave community took care of the children left behind, many slaves protected each other in spite of tribal and language differences. The biggest fear of families then was the threat of a child being sold. Even today African-Americans value family, many survive due to the fact that we help each other, and we take care of each other not only blood relatives but others also. The extended family is crucial.…
Identity can be considered as race, religion, social class and ethnicity. By knowing which identity the person fits can help someone feel more comfortable with who is around them, and who they really are. Identity does not have to be where someone is from or what social class they are a part of. Identity can be represented by something simple, like the music they listen to for example. Not everybody listens to the same music.…
“We should also understand that slavery should be viewed as a starting point for understanding the African-American. (Akbar)" We must realize the legacy that slavery has left on our mental state and change our behavior accordingly. We must rebuild our culture from the ground up. Learning to celebrate ourselves and unite with one another to become stronger than we ever were, this is the only way to ensure the longevity of the black culture in America.…
Cultures are the characteristics and knowledge of certain groups of people, which is defined by language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. Many cultural differences are explained by the environment and resources of a region. For example, Japanese people eat more fish than the people of the United States because fishing is far more practical than raising land animals in Japan and in Italy their eat pasta and it is one of the most popular dish in Italy. Cultural variations become obvious when put side by side in big multicultural societies.…
There are fifty-four countries in Africa, and all the countries have cultural values that form their identity. These cultural values act as a guide on how Africans ought to live their lives. They guide Africans on many aspects of their lives, including how to treat their elders and other people. Most of the African cultural values such as having respect for elders, hospitality, being in community with others, and hard work makes Africans unique from people from other countries where these cultural values do not exist. However, Africa also has a negative side to their cultures when it comes to beliefs about polygamy and child marriage, which subject women to unfair treatment.…
America has a huge history of people passing themselves off as a different race or gender. People in America have been passing since the early 1800’s so this is nothing new to the United States. The ultimate question is “why do people feel the need to pass as another race/ethnicity?” Some may feel the need to be accepted by others is why they pass or that being a different race has its privileges to society.…
I found the idea of measuring racial identity interesting. The article states how racial identity in African Americans is a multifaceted phenomenon. I think the article does a good job at capturing the complexity of racial identity. I found it intriguing that individual scales were related to race-relevant activities. I thought this was intriguing because I agree with the findings.…
Throughout the semester, the EN211 class has read many stories that talk about minorities whom are in the minority when it comes to how they identify themselves. Whether it is obvious that one is in the minority or not, scrutiny towards your self-identity can be very damaging mentally. In “Racial Identities” by Kwame Anthony Appiah discusses what a race…
Today in 2016, we are still at a crossroad between racial identity and bondage. History has a strange way of repeating itself. Even though we made it through 250 years or Slavery, 90 years or Jim Crow, and 60 years of Segregation, we still are going through the same struggles in modern time. This systematic oppression of African Americans has been here far too long and it has been embedded into the American Culture. We are strong people born from super humans who survived the horrors or The Middle Passage to the pain of Chattel Slavery.…