Many of the film’s shots are filmed from “hidden cameras” that are placed in static areas with their lenses partially obstructed. When Truman was driving, for instance, the audience saw a truman through a buried lower resolution camera that was clearly placed to keep the camera secret above all else. These shots are beautifully framed the lenses distort the image The creators wanted to make the audience voyeuristic they wanted to make the the audience feel that they are watching The Truman Show and not a movie about the truman
Many of the film’s shots are filmed from “hidden cameras” that are placed in static areas with their lenses partially obstructed. When Truman was driving, for instance, the audience saw a truman through a buried lower resolution camera that was clearly placed to keep the camera secret above all else. These shots are beautifully framed the lenses distort the image The creators wanted to make the audience voyeuristic they wanted to make the the audience feel that they are watching The Truman Show and not a movie about the truman