Symbolism In Ria Voros The Opposite Of Geek

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The book that I selected is called “The Opposite of Geek” by Ria Voros. This novel was originally published in 2013 and it is a fiction novel. The opposite of geek is about a girl going through the process of growing up as a young adult. This novel contains haiku, high school, and heartache.

The story takes place in high school where a girl named Gretchen is narrating the novel. Not to mention that she has a passion for writing haiku and poetry. As a matter of fact, her talent for writing remarkable haiku and poetry is an example of a symbolism in the novel. The reason why her passion is a symbolism is because she had used it in many ways. First, Gretchen used her talent to help the
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Throughout the novel they both show that they are both dynamic characters. Although, Gretchen is a protagonist in the novel. She started with uncertainty of loving her geekiness for poetry. However, her self confidence boosted when the incident that happened to james occured. Using her talent, she expressed her feelings by writing james a poem and reading it to the community who are in big grief. This is how she accepted and advocate herself. As she mentions in the novel “I'll have to break it to them that I am not, maybe never was, whatever normal means– there was a geek inside me all the time”(p. 169). Likewise, Dean is a antagonist in the novel. He started as if he wanted gretchen and was not showing any of his bad sides, but everything changes over the course of one awful night. He demonstrated as if he doesn't care about how gretchen would feel for everything he would do. Besides characterization, I also found another literary device in the novel which is irony. Gretchen encounters new challenges and barriers everyday as she is living in her teenage stage. In the beginning of the story, she lost her best friend Nemiah Hershey from the swim team. Gretchen mentioned how she felt left out when she was invited with the swim team “Nemiah has left me in the middle of the lawn and taken of with shay and a few other swim girlies and i stand there like a tree waiting for her to realize she forgot me”(p.50). Nemiah was …show more content…
The first theme is standing up for what matters to you. The author, Ria Voros, communicates her theme effectively by showing this in the main character as she stands up for what matters to her. An example in the text is when she stood up for james by making posters. It mentioned in the story what poster she was making “I speak to no one, hunch over my computer, type, cut/paste, download and with all the artistic talent I possess, create” (pg.182). This shows that she is standing up for her friend by using her artistic talent to show everyone that James was something to her. Finally, the last theme in the story is self esteem. When gretchen and her mom visited a performance where people would read their poems out loud that's when she realizes what she wanted to do in her career. Her mom asked her if she would want to share her poem and perform on the stage but gretchen thinks she is not good enough. Later on in the story, it was mentioned that she performed a poem she wrote for james because of his death. That's how she expressed her feelings and embraced her inner geekiness. Furthermore, the author used metaphors to successfully show the reader the theme of the novel. The book is written in a journal format and there are scattered poetry and haikus from other poets and herself throughout the book. Gretchens poem called “my sisters cuteness”. Her poem starts with a “her nasty cuteness spoiled little shrimp

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