Summary: Response To Photograph Black And White Of Man Ray

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Response to Photograph Black and White of Man Ray Shot in 1926, the main part of the photo Black and White is a woman holding a sculpture as an African ceremonial mask of sorts. The name of this picture is because of the black and white photography’s procession and that white woman as well as the African mask whose color is black. In this photo, both model Kiki de Montparnasse and African ceremonial mask are eyes closing and peaceful. Yet this photo is not just showing the beautiful model Kiki and the sculpture she held.
1920’s was also called the “Roaring Twenties.” At that period, a new kind of music Jazz, African culture and their art works were quite in vogue. Jazz is a kind of music that created by African-American in New Orleans, where the black were treated more respectful. The popularity of Jazz and other African culture in 1920’s represents the raise African-American’s rights. However, although the sculpture is erect in this photo, it was still controlling by the white. They have no real power, their rights and respect at that time were not solid. For example, if a black and a white do something wrong equally, the black one must be punish harder. African-American had no much more rights than they were in before. Still they were serving or amusing the white, just in
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Even though The Nineteenth Amendment (1920) was passed by this man controlled country, the opportunity for women to be employed was seldom. Women were still normally considered should take care of the whole family as mother and wife. Kiki’s face was soft and pale, which exactly was how people’s view toward women at that time. Fragile, weak, depending, emotional…all these passive words are for women. Women had lower status just like the black, they do not have enough respect and they have no way to fight for the reason that they were less educated and the major thought of American society was not on women’s

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