Summary Of Steven Schlossman's Transforming Juvenile Justice

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Steven L. Schlossman’s Transforming Juvenile Justice, originally known as Love & The America delinquent published by The University of Chicago in 1977, provides an overview of the timeframe of 1825-1920 and those hundred odd years of our juvenile justice and how things have changed—or lack thereof. Schlossman plays a significant role in our understanding of juvenile justice and the tough road to get our juvenile justice system where it is today because at the time of his book the juvenile justice seemed to be struggling to get off the ground and it was under fierce disapproval.
The book is split into two parts, the first part being the theory behind the “Progressive” juvenile justice system. It also talked about places like the House of refuge and the whole reform stage that the juvenile corrections went through in different areas. Schlossman talks about how the juvenile justice system was before and the policies it used and touches on the development from the Jacksonian Age to the Victorian age. The second part of the book was about the actual practices of the “Progressive” juvenile justice system. Schlossman examines this belief that rehabilitation and carefully watching over the children should replace punishment of juvenile
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Which then triggered the development of reformatory came about in the 19th century and Schlossman brings up two anti-institutionalist—Charles Loring Brace and Samuel Gridley—to talk about the start of reform schools. Then there was the “Progressive Era” at the end of the 19th century in Chicago where the only official allowed in the courtroom was the judge; he made all the decisions, he did all the talking to the children and this made the courts very

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