Procedural Due Process

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The Fourteenth Amendment extended the liberties offered federally by the Fifth Amendment to the state level of government, which established the Due Process Clause (Chapman & Yoshino, n.d.). Furthermore, the Fourteenth Amendment guarantees procedural due process, the individual rights listed in the Bill of Rights, incorporated against the states, and substantive due process (Chapman & Yoshino, n.d.). In the case of In re Gault, Gault was confined to an Industrial School until his twenty-first birthday, and the Supreme Court determined the sentence was a violation of procedural due process afforded by the Fourteenth Amendment (Cornell Law School, n.d.). Consequently, procedural due process outlines the processes the government must follow before depriving an individual of life, liberty, or property (Chapman & Yoshino, n.d.). Additionally, at a minimum, procedural due …show more content…
The juvenile courts must decide what programs options are best suited for the juvenile based upon present demographical and criminal factors, and cater those options to the specific offender. Furthermore, the goal of the juvenile court system is to provide juveniles with sufficient skills to eliminate their delinquent behavior while reinforcing positive behaviors to avoid future criminal activity.


Chapman, N.S., &Yoshino, K. (n.d.). THE FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT DUE PROCESS CLAUSE. Retrieved from

Cornell Law School. (n.d.). In re Gault. Retrieved from
Elrod, P., & Ryder, R. S. (2014). Juvenile justice: a social, historical, and legal perspective (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett

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