Summary Of Randolph Bourne's War '

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Writer and intellectual Randolph Bourne’s work reflect an image of a model America: One in which cultural diversity and democracy are clear values, and where war has no redeeming purpose in the growth of the nation. Bourne’s thoughts on what a truly equal and democratic nation looks like, as well as his ideas on the war and its influences, are important for the health and advancement of a country that claims democracy and equality are at its foundation. In his time and our own, his critics on America at times of opposition were and remain relevant. If his writings would only be given the attention they deserve, America could be the educated and civilized nation Bourne knew it could be. Randolph Bourne unequivocally understands what America …show more content…
251). America’s English-American elite have built tension against German immigrants in particular, with a difference in traditional philosophies as the cause. The “rivalries of philosophies” and “vision of war as a contest” between the “wrong” Imperial German and the “right” democratic America were main motives in the war (p. 257). However, besides the quest for making things right, Bourne says America’s involvement in the war has other, less “noble” motives as well. The rallying of America behind the World War I is not caused by a “will to remake the world” (p. 337). Lead by the country’s ruling upper class, the war has become a business to profit off of. “Militaristic values” and cravings for power are arising out of a nation that was said to be securing the “triumph of democracy” and globalizing the world, says Bourne (pp. 307, …show more content…
World War I brought about new war technologies for destruction and censorship toward any writings and propaganda that was not 100% American. Socialism’s decline connected to its Russian connection, the Cold War, and the Palmer Raids, all occurring shortly after the war and Bourne’s death, showed the continued resistance and resentment toward immigration that Bourne feared. He recognized the motives of big business in involvement in the war, which as a result, socialized acts implemented to benefit the war economy were immediately removed, and America soon became a more dominant power in the global economy (foregoing the Great Depression, that is). Bourne’s concerned and weary writings on the war made popular sentiment seem as if the war was favorable among the nation all along. Still, Bourne only speaks on favorable responses toward the war by intellectuals such as John Dewey and America’s upper class. Popular opinion was not in favor of the war, however, until fear and propaganda were instilled. Bourne’s position on intervention in World War I reflected the honest opinions of the masses, before deceptive government

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