Spartan Women Research Paper

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Throughout Ancient Greece, Spartan Women had a specific status for being independent-minded, strong, free, and more powerful than their counter parts throughout ancient Greece. Although they played no role in the military, female Spartans often established formal education. Their schooling was separate from boys.

Spartan females used to participate in athletic competitions such as javelin-throwing and in order to attract mates. The also used to sing and dance in a competitive way. Besides, they were also allowed to own and be in charge concerning their properties In Addition they were known for their not having any burden by domestic responsibilities Such as making clothing, cleaning, and cooking different kinds of food. These were tasks that were handled by the helots.

Marriage was essential to Spartans, as the state put pressure on individuals to have male kids who might be raised and grew up to become citizen-warriors and also substitute those who died in battle. It was shameful for a Spartan man to postpone marriage, while men who had many children were rewarded. Spartans women, in their
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Herodotus records that as a little young lady she recommended her dad Cleomenes to resist a bribe. She was later said to be in charge of disentangling a notice that the Persian powers were going to attack Greece; after Spartan officers couldn't decipher a wooden tablet secured in wax, she requested them to clear the wax, uncovering the warning. Plutarch’s Moralia contains a gathering of "Sayings of Spartan Women", including a brief joke credited to Gorgo: when asked by a lady from Attica for the reason Spartan ladies were the main ladies on the planet who could govern men, she answered "On the grounds that we are the main ladies who are moms of

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