Together, with my mother, my father, and my step brother, we lived as a family within an apartment building located on Colden Street in Flushing. The …show more content…
By becoming a medical assistant, my mother possessed a higher wage thus translating a higher income and a higher position in terms of social class. Our status changed from a lower middle class status into a middle class. This was due to how my mother received a wage of 17 dollars an hour. At the same time, there was a house for sale in another neighborhood 12 blocks away from Colden Street. The vacant house was located in a neighborhood that didn 't possess the features of the seemingly dangerous environment we previously inhabited. The timing of both opportunities occurring was divine and unreal. My mother had the desire to take advantage of the opportunity. As we achieved social mobility, we were able to live in an environment that met the new social status we possessed and the new social class we were apart of. Following the separation between my mother and my father, were able to improve our social class because of the promotion my mother