Social Inequality In The Lesson By Toni Cade Bambara

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Social inequality has been feature of every civilization since the earliest agrarian societies. In almost all cases, the aristocracy oppresses the lower and middle classes socially and economically. However, throughout history, there have been individuals who have spoken out and fought against social inequality. In the short story, “The Lesson” by Toni Cade Bambara, Miss Moore is the character who tries to combat social inequality by pointing it out to the young protagonist Sylvia and her friends, which proves to be difficult. The children speak negatively about Miss Moore when she is not present, and they are reluctant to give any credence to any message or advice that she conveys to them. However, when Miss Moore takes Sylvia and her friends …show more content…
Sylvia cannot believe that anyone would pay this amount for a toy, “Who’d pay all that when you can buy a sailboat set for a quarter at Pop’s, a tube of glue for a dime, and a ball of string for eight cents? It must have a motor and a whole lot else besides” (Bambara 390). The sailboat reflects their bleak economic situation. The theme in “The Lesson” is one of social and economic disparity that is prevalent in America.
The character’s reactions when they get to Fifth Avenue as well as their thoughts when they arrive home, provides perspective on how social inequality affects the African-American community. Accustomed to an impoverished community, the children have a huge paradigm shift after they experience the decadence of Fifth Avenue and realize the disparity between the two. Whenever they first arrive at Fifth Avenue and see the wealth and extravagance that the middle and upper classes can indulge in, they find themselves in what feels like a foreign land, and Sylvia states, “Then we check out that we on Fifth Avenue and everybody dressed up in stockings. One lady in a fur coat, hat as it is. White folks crazy” (Bambara 388). They proceed to go to F.A.O. Schwarz, and after seeing the price of playthings, it is made clear to them
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The lesson that she wants to get across to them is that despite your socio-economic situation, if they dare to achieve and work hard for what they want, they can achieve and purchase finer things in life. Miss Moore also embodies commitment and self-sacrifice that is on display throughout the story. Since she is an educated person, she has avenues to make enough money so that she doesn’t have to live in impoverished areas, but she chooses to relegate herself to that life because of her commitment to the education and elevation of the children as well as the community. Miss Moore represents the authors underlying message as stated in the title, “The Lesson,” which is to understand the social and economic inequality that is prevalent in society and pass that knowledge on to

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