Situational Leadership Model Analysis

Improved Essays
Throughout my time in EHRD Leadership 405 here at Texas A&M I’ve learned many different Leadership models and theories. This article will task the top 5 models and combine them into what I feel might be the most effective leadership model for the Information Technology industry. I 've included a link above where you will find my professional resume. My experience in technology has been short but, the further I delve into the world of leadership in one of the fastest growing industry the more I see the use of Situational Leadership and its models. The balance between leader and follower is my main focus on this. The Center for Leadership Studies defines situational leadership by,

· The amount of guidance and direction (task behavior) a leader gives · The amount of socioemotional support (relationship behavior) a leader provides · The readiness level that followers exhibit in performing a specific task, function, or objective These qualities of leadership are some of the most crucial in this ever growing industry.
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Simply because it is a delicate balance that only truly great leaders can hope to achieve. The model is composed of both directive and supportive dimensions, and that each has to be applied appropriately in a given situation. Which is why I feel this is the most suitably built leadership model for the fast paced nature of the IT industry. With the supporting and directive ebbs and flows of this model a situational leader must learn to exhibit 4 essential competencies. They Diagnose, which is the leaders ability to comprehend the situation they are trying to influence. Adapt, or be able to adjust their behavior in response to the contingences of the situation. Communicate, this is an essential characteristic for this model that requires interaction with others in a manner they can understand and accept. Lastly they must Advance, or manage the movement of their followers. Jokingly known as “organized common sense” by creator, Dr. …show more content…
Paul Hersey Situational Leadership provides leaders with an understanding of the relationship between an effective style of leadership and the level of readiness that follower’s exhibit for a specific task. But, it does much more than that … Unequivocally it utilizes task specificity to serve as a mechanism through which leaders maximize their influence-related impact. This allows the leader to approach coaching and influence opportunities through the lens of task-specificity, as opposed to making generalizations about a follower’s overall level of ability and motivation. This will build leaders who aid followers in their growth and development. After explaining this I feel like you now grasp the fundamentals of what it takes to be a situational leader. Now I want to blend what I feel are the most important parts of 4 other leadership models authentic leadership, adaptive leadership, team-leadership, and leader-member exchange (LMX). These are the remaining 4 of the 5 leadership models I feel are most prevalent in the industry today. It’s important to note my theory is applying these to the existing structure of the situational model. To build a leader dynamic of self-awareness and genuineness into this model would be taking the best part of authentic leadership. These leaders are self-actualized individuals who are aware of their strengths, their limitations, and their emotions. They also show their real selves to their followers. They do not act one way in private and another in public; they don’t hide their mistakes or weaknesses out of fear of looking weak. They also realize that being self-actualized is an endless journey, never complete. This merger of the situational and authentic models would help to build transparency between leaders and followers to build strong relationships which will lead to better sustainability in employee retention and overall enthusiasm. Blended with the process approach to the study of leadership that adaptive leadership underscores. You understand that this approach is not a trait or characteristic of the leader, but rather a complex interactional event that occurs between leaders and followers in different situations. The process perspective highlights that leaders and followers mutually affect each other, making leadership an interactive activity that is not restricted to only a formal, designated leader. But rather that this approach to leadership is complex and interactive. This will help to build follower motivation and contentment within organizations by keeping them involved and highly engaged. Before providing any additional benefits of plurality

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