From prior knowledge on the American government and the commission reports that were released pertaining to 9/11, Hitchens is able to narrow down the attacks into two logical claims. He states that, “the 9/11 atrocities were in some way deserved or made historically more explicable by the many crimes of past American foreign policy. Either that, or—to recall the contemporary comments of the "Reverends" Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson—a punishment from heaven for American sinfulness” (1). He uses his ethical background and logos to create his reasoning as “two ways of thinking, one of them ostensibly “left” and the other “right”
From prior knowledge on the American government and the commission reports that were released pertaining to 9/11, Hitchens is able to narrow down the attacks into two logical claims. He states that, “the 9/11 atrocities were in some way deserved or made historically more explicable by the many crimes of past American foreign policy. Either that, or—to recall the contemporary comments of the "Reverends" Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson—a punishment from heaven for American sinfulness” (1). He uses his ethical background and logos to create his reasoning as “two ways of thinking, one of them ostensibly “left” and the other “right”