Simon Isolation In Lord Of The Flies

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An outcast in someone who is rejected by society or a social group. They are usually looked down upon or ignored. This is usually because of a crime or wrongdoing he or she committed and in result, becomes a wanderer. In William Golding’s Lord of the Flies, Simon is isolated from the rest of the boys stranded on the island. Simon’s abstract statements and thoughts causes the others to view him as abnormal and possibly insane. This results in them refraining from interaction with him. Simon is clearly different not only because of his physical condition of epileptic fits, but in his constantly express concern for the more vulnerable boys. This is proven when he imagines the pig’s head speaking and mocking him. In addition, Simon continuously distances himself from the rest of the boys by going to his secret cave in the jungle, where he spends time alone in solitude. …show more content…
Simon is level headed and treats all, even Piggy, the subject of mockery with compassion and humanity. This proves Simone is the only character who is naturally good, meanwhile the rest of the boys are left devoid of conditioning and authority become brutes. He stays guided by goodness and morals regardless of his foreign environment When Simon finally discovers the identity if the mysterious beast seen on the mountaintop, he is unable to share his revelation with the others because to him, they don't seem ready to accept or understand it. In a sense, Simon comes to be a Christ figure, when the boys, in a state of madness, declare him the beast, though he did nothing but good. Consequently, the boys’ unfathomable fear of the unknown drive them to brutally kill Simon, as he has become their scapegoat. In conclusion, Simon is the definition of an outsider as he doesn't comply with the social norms of the island and is often isolated in the

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