Similarities Between To Kill A Mockingbird And Chasing The Valley

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Courage is being explored in the books “To Kill a Mockingbird” and “Chasing the Valley” in many different ways. Harper Lee has unpacked bravery in the same way as Skye Melki-Wegner. For instance, Taladia in “Chasing the Valley” is a violent and run-down city which compels the characters to show courage and their will to live. Equivalently Maycomb, in Harper Lee’s novel is a prejudiced town where it requires an immense amount of bravery to go against the norm. By building up more and more problems with the plot, it outlines who has the adequate amount of courage which is required to challenge. Harper Lee and Skye Melki-Wegner used complementary methods to explore courage.

The audacity within characters is being shown by the setting. In “Chasing the Valley” there are “dilapidated houses” in a
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In Taladia there is a clear segregation between the rich and poor. All the “richies” and King Morrigan’s people live in the hills where there is no dropping of bombs. King Morrigan’s reason for dropping bombs is because he wants to wipe out all the poorer people of Rourton. In “To Kill a Mockingbird” there is a division between the poor and the rich. The rich were living near the town mall, the courthouse, and the local school. Whilst the poorer people were living near the town dump. Also in Maycomb, there is a clear separation between the blacks and the whites. There are different churches and places to live for the two groups of people. For instance, the African Americans live near the town dump and have substandard quality houses, whilst the white live near the mall and the court house. Unfairly, the jury consisted of more whites than black which meant there had to be prejudice opinions on the case. Despite this by using his

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