It seems that she is writing to a young, student-based audience. Lamott mixes in a lot of humor which makes it fun and interesting to read and since she writes in a very informal tone it helps her connect to the reader more than if she wrote more professionally. Along with this Lamott seems to be trying to see through the audience’s eyes by telling her personal story about writing restaurant reviews for magazines. It shows the audience that even the most experienced writers start with nothing but a jumble of unorganized thoughts. Lamott also uses this personal experience to let the readers into her thought process. Not only does Lamott lower herself to the writer’s aspect of things by saying how she has a hard time writing too, but the readers can also see how she deals with it. Throughout, readers begin to realize that professional writers aren 't as perfect as they seem. Lots of people believe professional writers are perfect from the first draft all the way to the …show more content…
And of course she says this with both humor and in a way that is believable. The way she shares all of this shows Lamott 's ability to connect to her readers easily. Lamott conveys herself as an honest writer in the sense that she is not afraid to say it how it is. This helps her audience understand that she isn 't just creating topics but is being genuine and trying to relate. Lamott writes exactly what is on her mind, and most of the time it is outrageous, but she still writes without fear of judgment. The creativity of her unusual ideas and writing styles make it that much more entertaining. The uniqueness allows each reader to obtain their own view from the piece, rather than be confined to one