Coming of age can be difficult for any teenage boy. Some people have to come of age faster than others, like Bobby, in the book the first part last by Angela Johnson, he had to come of age fast because of his troublesome situation; his girlfriend, Nia, is pregnant. Bobby had to make difficult decisions within this book to show to his family and friends he is capable of taking care of Feather, his newborn child, without everyones help. Within this book, Johnson uses different symbols and ideas to show that he has come of age and will be able to take care of Feather. Teenagers, most of the time, will say what they want to say, but when they have a kid, like Bobby they have to grow up and they can't always say what they want to.…
In “Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing,” the definition for irony states, “In language, a discrepancy between what is said and what is meant. In life, a discrepancy between what is expected, and what occurs” (715). In Sharon Olds poem “Rite of Passage,” a mother observes her son and the rest of the children, at her son’s birthday party (703). The mother describes the boys as if they are men from the lines “Hands in pockets, they stand around jostling, jockeying for place” (5-6). In the lines “like Generals, they relax and get down to playing war, celebrating my son`s life,” it is ironic because the mother is picturing the boys as if it were a real war, and they were all grownups (25- 26).…
John Updike’s “A&P” and Joyce Carol Oates’ “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” suggests that coming of age in the 60s is markedly different for young men and women. Updike’s Sammy is essentially on a quest for independence from an authoritative figure. The authority figure in question here is Lengel, Sammy’s boss at the A&P, who is portrayed as a “dreary . . . Sunday school” teacher, hides behind the “door marked MANAGER (288).…
In A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Francie makes the inevitable transition from young girl to mature woman after multiple losses and moments of gain. The majority of young children, past and present, are not as emotionally mature as a functioning of age member of society. The time of “coming of age” is defined by when a person has a sudden change of heart and makes well thought-out decisions similar to those of a mature adult, which is what that person most often becomes. Francie “comes of age” through significant events in her life such as the loss of her father, the metaphorical loss of her dreams, adolescence,and trust, and the reformation of her current family. The death of anyone personally important is a major loss, especially to someone who is as emotionally impressionable as a child such as Francie.…
Inevitable Growth “Boys” by Rick Moody, reveals the evergoing growth between two twin boy’s lives. The unnamed start off as inseparable, seeing the world through a narrow mindset. As the twins reach their adult years however, influences change their perspectives in their life, distinguishing themselves from each other. Life’s natural drive to move fast, the separation of the twins to mature, and a chance for change each time entering a threshold show that to mature to find self identity, one must abandon the comfort of home. Time can never stop for a person, which is why boys’ life events passes by too fast for contentment.…
Do you remember your first day of high school and how nervous you felt walking into your first class and seeing all the seniors walking around? The overcoming of that feeling is an example of coming-of-age. A Separate Peace written by John Knowles follows best friends Gene and Finny through a couple years of their adolescence. Their time in the Devon school included many situations that cover the topic of coming-of-age. In A Separate Peace, John Knowles portrays coming of age as a despairing time because of struggle.…
The poem on “On Turning Ten” by Billy Collins is about the reality of growing up. Collins incorporated rhetorical devices to covey to the reader the reluctance one can experience when turning a year older. The tone of the poem centers the emotions on turning ten and leaving childhood behind. On Turning Ten is written from a child’s perspective, portraying the enjoyments of a child. On the contrary, it also portrays sadness of aging and great loss of the innocence of a child.…
In “Rite of Passage,” Sharon Olds address the darker forces of children growing up. The title represents the overall theme of this poem well. A rite…
Nobody is youthful forever. People always change as they get older. Sometimes they get sick, lose their senses or can’t perform certain tasks as well as they used to be able to. One should enjoy life while one can because it won’t last forever. The folktale, “The Old Grandfather and His Little Grandson” is about is about a very old grandfather who gets mistreated by his son and daughter in-law.…
In this article, Africentric Youth and Family Rites of Passage Program: Promoting Resilience among At-Risk African American Youths, authors Aminifu R. Harvey and Robert B. Hill write about at-risk African American Youths and their parents being put through a rites of passage program in an effort to make a change within that community. The article states the that specific reason for this program is because of the statistics against African American young men. The text starts off by talking about some of the challenges and difficulties that the young men face across the country. This group, according to the article, is said to be “under siege” from facing challenges such as high rates of “suspensions, expulsions and special education placements,”along…
We often don’t realize the bad aspects that come along with growing up. Billy Collins’ poem, “On Turning Ten” elaborates on this idea and shows the outcomes of these aspects on us. In his poem, the speaker is about to turn the age of double digits, making him realize he is no longer his younger self. As the speaker explains the frightening idea of turning ten, he also reminisces about his happy childhood. The speaker then goes through variations of sadness over losing his younger self and soon realizes the difficulty of aging.…
The film for this week was “The General”. The main protagonist in this movie is Johnnie Gray (Buster Keaton). In short, the film display an engineer, Johnnie, who has an internal conflict with his girlfriend, Annabelle, and at same time gets his train stolen by Union spies where he tries to retrieve it and succeed. To add with it, his girlfriend accidentally gets involved it as a prisoner of war. In the end, he saves his beloved train named “the General”, his lover, and is promoted to a lieutenant- even though he had no military experience.…
When you are young you have not yet learned the difference between good and bad It is up to your parents/elders to help socialize you into today 's society to become a productive and contributing adult, But In this story a group of boys are on the way back home from boarding school, when something horrible happens with no adults left to help the boys must quickly figure out how to survive. As the story progresses you will quickly see the group tear apart. In this essay I will show specific points and details that will compare the good and evil that is in many different things.…
Developmental Stage and Life Transaction: Yamile is going through multiple transitions in her the life specifically with her recent separation from her husband, her impending status of becoming a grandmother, separation from her family, maturing into middle adulthood, and moving to another country to better provide for her family. The capacity to manage these multiple stressors is overwhelming for Yamile and contributing to her feelings of vulnerability amid all the transitions. Client Strengths and Strategies for Enduring: Yamile has strong parental aspirations towards her children who give her comfort. She has the capacity to make and keep friends since moving to Texas though language barriers could prove to be an issue in the future.…
Manaury Alvarado Ponce Adult Interview Paper PSYC 2314-50182 November 25, 2016 Linking Psychology A young adult named Lolita Bean, 28, shared some events throughout her adolescence during a brief interview on November 25, 2016. She is from Tulsa, Oklahoma and is currently pursuing a nursing degree from Texas Christian University.…