In the beginning I was glad that a successful man was admitting that sexism is very pronounced in high-power workplaces and that it is a huge obstacle to a woman’s success. By the end of the article, I was very disappointed that it took this man having a daughter for him to finally want the world to change into a better place. It made the author seem very selfish. It almost seemed that to the author the misogyny and objectification of women was just background noise up until he had a daughter. And all of a sudden, he realized how disgusting and unfair the world is to women and now he wants it to change just because his precious daughter is bound to face it. Another part of this article that infuriated me was the section about the Yale frat boys that went around school yelling “No means yes, yes means anal.”. I wasn’t disgusted by what the Yale boys had said; after all this is expected from fraternities with all the sexual assault and rape charges they face each year. What disgusted me was the author’s response to it. Mr. Polk was disgusted for a minute by what they had done but then quickly switched sides and almost excused their behavior by saying the act was just done out of “thrilling camaraderie”. This is exactly the type of responses that lead to men assuming it’s okay to say these types of obscene sentences. By giving these boys excuses, people need to understand that
In the beginning I was glad that a successful man was admitting that sexism is very pronounced in high-power workplaces and that it is a huge obstacle to a woman’s success. By the end of the article, I was very disappointed that it took this man having a daughter for him to finally want the world to change into a better place. It made the author seem very selfish. It almost seemed that to the author the misogyny and objectification of women was just background noise up until he had a daughter. And all of a sudden, he realized how disgusting and unfair the world is to women and now he wants it to change just because his precious daughter is bound to face it. Another part of this article that infuriated me was the section about the Yale frat boys that went around school yelling “No means yes, yes means anal.”. I wasn’t disgusted by what the Yale boys had said; after all this is expected from fraternities with all the sexual assault and rape charges they face each year. What disgusted me was the author’s response to it. Mr. Polk was disgusted for a minute by what they had done but then quickly switched sides and almost excused their behavior by saying the act was just done out of “thrilling camaraderie”. This is exactly the type of responses that lead to men assuming it’s okay to say these types of obscene sentences. By giving these boys excuses, people need to understand that