Freeman, who is put on trial for assaulting Maya, impacts Marguerite’s self-image by making her think that it is her voice that leads to his death. The author says, “...but if I talked to anyone else that person might die too” (Angelou 87). If Mr. Freeman did not assault Marguerite then she would be under the impression that her voice would kill people. She sees her voice as deadly and is too scared to use it for a while after the incident. He makes her feel guilty for something that is not her fault. Furthermore, Edward Donleavy, the white politician who spoke at graduation, also harmed Marguerite’s self-image. After his speech at graduation, Maya talks about how he makes her feel and says, “As a species, we were an abomination” (181). The speech is about the white school getting new science sets and artists while the black school might get a new playing field because Donleavy thinks that they are only good at sports. After the speech, Marguerite thinks that she has no control over her life and that she is a disgrace because of the color of her skin. She sees herself in a different way. The speech also makes her feel as if she is not good
Freeman, who is put on trial for assaulting Maya, impacts Marguerite’s self-image by making her think that it is her voice that leads to his death. The author says, “...but if I talked to anyone else that person might die too” (Angelou 87). If Mr. Freeman did not assault Marguerite then she would be under the impression that her voice would kill people. She sees her voice as deadly and is too scared to use it for a while after the incident. He makes her feel guilty for something that is not her fault. Furthermore, Edward Donleavy, the white politician who spoke at graduation, also harmed Marguerite’s self-image. After his speech at graduation, Maya talks about how he makes her feel and says, “As a species, we were an abomination” (181). The speech is about the white school getting new science sets and artists while the black school might get a new playing field because Donleavy thinks that they are only good at sports. After the speech, Marguerite thinks that she has no control over her life and that she is a disgrace because of the color of her skin. She sees herself in a different way. The speech also makes her feel as if she is not good