Samuel’s mom was also deeply religious from the teachings of Jonathan Edwards.
Samuel’s childhood insisted of him surviving and 2 other children surviving out of 12 children all together. Adams and his 2 other brothers and sisters were isolated from other children and instead he was instilled with personal responsibility.
Then at age 14 Samuel Adam’s entered into Harvard University where when he graduated 1740 at Harvard University would publicly state the thesis that “lawful to
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Samuel Adams did mass protests against the political establishment, England, using the public voice of citizens in the country rather than use private intrigue to make policy. The English Parliament repealed this Sugar Act before Samuel Adams could completely bring his political theories into practice. It’s said that Samuel Adams was going to take things completely to far if these political theories of his had truly been completely taken out and if the Sugar Act hadn’t been repealed so fast according to his allies. Then came the Stamp Act. When the Stamp Act was passed also in 1765, Samuel Adams already had a plan which included a campaign of massive public resistance from the general public of the Massachusetts colony of England. Samuel Adams being able to mobilize or in other words control the merchant elite and the men of the lower orders, and Samuel Adams being able to defeat the cause with both his passion and eloquence, Samuel Adams was elected to become the leader of resistance. Samuel Adams was elected to the assembly in September and prepared and created both of the speeches which included the house’s answers to the resolution asserting the american rights and also including the gov.