Surrealism was a cultural movement that started in the 1920s. Salvador Dali was born in 1931 and ended up in surrealism painting due to his interest in philosophy. The major …show more content…
He never liked interpreting most of his work. Most people have therefore tried interpreting these paintings, but everyone finally comes up with a different explanation of the same. Most experts have tried explaining the painting as a symbol of time flowing and eternal. Hard rocks have been explained as a symbol of the reality of life whiles the ocean as a symbol of the vastness of the earth. An orange clock is seen covered with ants, which symbolizes the decay of time or death(Hervikand Hilary 230). A strange human figure is seen in the centre, which is considered a dreamlike trance.
Various people have given several interpretations of the same painting. Some people like Dawn Ades, a well-known art critic, wrote, “The soft watches are an unconscious symbol of the relativity of space and time.” Some say that the painting was a symbol of the Freudian phase of life, before the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.Several conflicting interpretations have led the painting to achieve surrealism through the element of surprise and unforeseen comparisons with other paintings(Finkelstein, and Salvador …show more content…
A man is seen leaning on a huge doll. Other people are sitting in front of a painting making a strip gray land looking three-dimensional.On top is another brightly colored abstract figure while the middle a man sits in a chair looking outward(Murphy, 770). The highway is a brightly colored creature like an amalgam of parrotfish, and blue coral. It is seen that most of these figures have shadows as if the sun is shining from the right. A man is seen riding another one, and a box on the plinth with front seems filled with confetti. The little girl is seen offering something to an old man and a mermaid type bubble filled with colorful objects on the head. The paintings are meant to catch viewers into the playful world since its springtime(Murphy