Role Of Women In A Midsummer Night's Dream

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In William Shakespeare 's play ‘A Midsummer Night 's Dream, ' women in the society are depicted to possess some limitations that limit their being while others are depicted to possess strengths that make them achieve in life. The world around which women live is full of limiting factors, factors that hinder the full expression of women’s interests. Examples of these situations are when Hermia’s father wanted to marry her to a person she did not love and when Titania gets to disagree with Oberon concerning the young Indian prince. However, women are strong enough to fight through the challenges and succeed. According to Shakespeare, women are not just figures
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Her strength comes in her fight for what she believed was right. She is depicted to play a role of courageous and keep woman who notes change in the society, questions it and works towards making the change positive. She also plays a role of one who can fight for other people’s rights. Shakespeare uses Titania to show the role of women as courageous and informed people in the society whose mandate is to add on the goodness in the society. One of the examples is when she got into a disagreement with her husband about him making the young Indian boy she had being given a knight. She resisted and provided an environment that her husband would not have managed to carry out his intentions. From the example, Titania knew portrayed her knowledge about children rights and her capability to fight for them. She was ready to defend them at the expense of a disagreement in her relationship. When they went into a disagreement about the young Indian prince, Titania told Oberon that "But with thy brawls thou hast disturbed our sport" (Shakespeare) (2, 1, 90-95). She told him directly on the face that it is due to his malicious intentions that the peace of their married was experiencing storms; she was strong enough to do that. She resisted Oberon 's intention of tampering with the boy 's life. She told him "And for her sake I will not part with him" (Shakespeare) (2, 1, 140 -145). …show more content…
According to him, women have a set role in the society. They ought to be strong to be able to overcome the everyday challenges that come their way. The strong women have a role of being confident enough to be trend setters; they need to be courageous enough to critique occurrences in the society and informed enough to fight for both their rights and those of others. In case a woman fails to be strong, she will fall for anything that comes her way and will destroy the peace of others. She will make the world a difficult place for others. Therefore, women are not just figures to respond to framed wants rather they are capable of reasoning and expressing their

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