The play Oedipus the King by Sophocles is a depiction that fate is not of free will or random chance instead, it is an inescapable density set by those in higher power. The author uses the overshadowing character of the deity Apollo to reveal and control Oedipus’ fate. Oedipus unfortunate fate of having incest with his mother and killing his father did not accidentally occur rather, it is a predetermined density created by Apollo. It is clear that Oedipus unfortunate outcome is not by chance because his parents disregardment for him is cause “through fear/of evil oracles...they said that he should kill his parents” (2.1.1350-1352). His parents willingness to give up their only
The play Oedipus the King by Sophocles is a depiction that fate is not of free will or random chance instead, it is an inescapable density set by those in higher power. The author uses the overshadowing character of the deity Apollo to reveal and control Oedipus’ fate. Oedipus unfortunate fate of having incest with his mother and killing his father did not accidentally occur rather, it is a predetermined density created by Apollo. It is clear that Oedipus unfortunate outcome is not by chance because his parents disregardment for him is cause “through fear/of evil oracles...they said that he should kill his parents” (2.1.1350-1352). His parents willingness to give up their only