John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the 35th president of the United States of America. He served as president at the height of the cold war, which made his presidency focused on the relationship of the Soviet Union. His inauguration began John's only term as the President and Lyndon B. Johnson's term as his Vice President. In John F. Kennedy 1st inaugural address, he used repetition, allusion, and juxtaposition to give the people a sense of hope of the outcome of the presidential election.
Historical Background
The berlin wall was John Kennedy main focus throughout his presidency. It would be Kennedy's main priority from his inauguration day up until his assassination. The Kennedy have been known to have a series of misfortunate events which led to the Kennedy curse. The Kennedy curse is a just a conspiracy, many believe that it's just a regular coincidence that their family has experienced many times. The Kennedy family would be seen as American Royalty in the public eye of America. They would be around to spread joy, optimistic and a charm that quickly spread throughout the American Nation. There no such thing as royalty in the United States but the Kennedy family held a status that was pretty close to that level. About 64 years at least one Kennedy had the opportunity to hold public office. The family has a great hold in the democratic party coming that they descended from Irish Catholics who escaped the potato famine. Their reputation was clean until allegations of infidelity and their organization with organized crime had been brought to the media. Its unimaginative that one of the most recognized president may have interactions with mobsters from Chicago. The main mobster with this accusation would be Sam Giancana, his ties with Kennedy family would be dated back to John Kennedy father, Joseph P. Kennedy. He was involved with Giancana in a bootlegging business during the prohibition era. The former head of the Chicago crime, Sam, had several intersections with the president and Frank Sinatra, who was claimed to be donor to the Kennedy's Presidential campaign in 1960. Back when it was required for politicians to speak of their contributors. Nonetheless, many allegations have been spread that his death was a mob hit, without any real evidence. (“Was Kennedy Tied to the Mob?”) Quintanilla 2 John Fitzgerald Kennedy John F Kennedy was born May 29, 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts. He earned his education at Choate in Connecticut and Harvard in 1940. When he was younger he was always getting sick, and his grades were average, but he would label himself as an original thinker. When the United States chances of entering war increased he signed up for the US Navy in September, 1941. He was six feet tall, very skinny and his appearance would look younger than his age. He was shipped to the South Pacific and commanded pt 109, a torpedo boat. This boat was sunk in action and he escaped the survivors form this tragic moment but also swam for help even though he was injured pretty badly. John was awarded the Navy and US Marine Corps medal, he took charge of another boat but went on sick leave and was discharged for disability as a full lieutenant I December 1944. Due to his intense injury, it brought back his younger sick days, which led to him being sick constantly. He was later on diagnosed with Addison’s Disease, which was very fatal back in time, which led him to be absent from his duties constantly. Plagued by a painful back, he was diagnosed in 1947 as having Addison’s disease also, then usually fatal, and was often absent from the House.( Staff) Although Kennedy became president that wasn’t his first choice. He had taken an inspiration towards writing and journalism. He began …show more content…
Throughout the speech he uses repetition at the beginning of his paragraphs twice. The first one starts of as “To those old allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share” “To those new states whom we welcome to the ranks of the free” “To those people in the huts and villages of half the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery,” “To our sister republics south of our border” “To that