Rhetorical Analysis On Interracial Dating

Improved Essays
Georgiana Grecea
ENC 1101
Professor: Dr. Darrel Elmore
September 12th, 2014

Interracial dating - a bridge between cultures or a curse

In our modern times couples made up of people from different races, different cultural background have become quite common. Most will agree that this is a sign that shows how intercultural differences and stereotypes associated with such relationships begin to be overcome and enter into normality. But, somewhere out there, interracial dating seems to be an unresolved issue that makes surfacing malicious comments about interracial dating. Do interracial couples need to face them? How should interracial couples react in such situations? In today’s society, are interracial relationships still doomed to failure?
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When our people were enslaved, "Massa" placed his Caucasian woman on a pedestal… As slavery died for the greater good of America, and the movement for equality sputtered to life, the White woman was on the cover of every American magazine. (Scott)
Jill Scott’s tone throughout the essay is calm, slightly sarcastic; she is also being funny through the use of metaphors; as well as a good word choice consisting of a lot of emotionally-charged words with great impact towards her audience. However because she didn’t bring more concrete evidence into her essay, she failed to make her story complete. The history given about the slavery was not complete. Jill Scott has failed to use the proper elements of logos in her argumentative essay.
Many African Americans believe interracial marriage erodes the solidarity of the African American community. Opposition to interracial marriage is one of the deepest roots of racial distance, disrespect and hostility. Even though we live in an age that heavily promotes open mentality, tolerance, no stereotypes and no preconceptions over domination racial, cultural, ethnic or religious, there are still a lot of people who cannot accept seeing couples consisting of persons of different

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