These women suffered and lost much because they or their husbands sided with the losing side. The women that lost everything for following the British troop, were known as the loyalists. In the Native American society, women enjoyed a much more powerful role than in the white society. Now African American women had difficult lives during the Revolutionary War. Many of the free blacks and slaves traveled with the British army in hope for freedom and protection. After the surrender in Cornwallis, some were sent to New York and they eventually gained their freedom in …show more content…
I was surprised when I first learned that women became camp followers for many reasons. If I had lived back in the time, I don’t know if I would have done the same thing many women did. It sounded pretty smart from their part, but at the same time it sounded like a dumb thing to do. Back in high school, I had a history class that talked about the Revolutionary War and I didn’t think women suffered as much until I started reading the book called “Revolutionary Mothers.” This book specifically talks about what women went through back in the time. This book also talks about what women would do when their husbands were sent to the war. These women were pretty strong, they actually did everything around the house and they actually brought food to the