Deforestation And Photosynthesis Essay

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Trees naturally sequester atmospheric carbon dioxide through photosynthesis and thus decrease global warming and its repercussions. Carbon dioxide is an essential component of the Calvin Cycle for the production of glucose, which is the primary energy source for plants as well as many herbivorous and carnivorous consumers. With the rapid increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels from anthropogenic activity since the Industrial Revolution, scientist suspect that carbon dioxide fertilization will amplify photosynthesis and, therefore, sequester more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to the terrestrial carbon sink in the form of trees (Bonan 2008).2 Forests are a major terrestrial carbon sink and contain approximately 45% of terrestrial …show more content…
Trees produce timber that is burned for fuel, manufactured into a wide range of wooden and paper products, and used for recreation. Millions of non-timber forest products are crafted from different tree parts that don’t require cutting down the tree for harvesting. Trees support a healthy water cycle and watershed through increased percolation, infiltration, and groundwater recharge, as well as decreased levels of erosion and runoff. Terrestrial carbon sequestration and evapotranspiration that produces clouds with high albedo both minimize the repercussions of global warming. Urban forests perform all of the critical functions of their wild, larger counterparts, but exhibit these essential functions directly to people in a more up-close and personal fashion. It is of utmost importance to decrease overexploitation of trees, reforest degraded areas, and afforest urban areas. The significance of trees and vegetation as a whole shouldn’t be acknowledge once they are lost forever, but prior to their breaking point, which is

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