Burmese Pythons by Daniel Shepard Burmese pythons are negatively impacting Florida’s everglades. Andrew Ng senator Bill nelson brought a 16 foot Burmese pythons snakeskin to a meeting. Burmese pythons are just trying to find a new place to live so you do not need to kill them.…
A 23 foot enemy is lurking in the Everglades – and it’s not leaving anytime soon. The invasive python is taking over one of Florida’s precious resources. This reptile is dangerous, from its unhinged jaw down to the end of its 200 pound body. With its carnivorous instinct, the python is literally eating this habitat up. Additionally, the python isn’t native to Florida or the United States.…
In the article “Can We Fix the Water Supply?”, the author explains, “When a fragile ecosystem like the Everglades undergoes a small change like a particularly rainy storm or a short-term lapse in rainfall, the repercussions can be huge.” In other words, just a tiny change can lead to major consequences. In the third paragraph, the author says that organisms outside the Florida Everglades need to use water from the park. This is what makes it hard to help the park. Also, in the article, “Water Quality Nearly Halts Everglades Restoration”…
Rambunctious Garden Critical Book Review Emma Marris opens Rambunctious Garden by dedicating the book to her mother for sending her to Audubon Day Camp. Though her statement is unexplained, Marris seems to reference how she began to care about nature. In his A Sand County Almanac, Aldo Leopold wrote about how direct interactions with nature can lead one to care about the land, to develop a land ethic (Leopold 223-225). Audubon Camp was how Marris developed her land ethic.…
Why should we even care about the Florida everglades? I'll tell you why. Even if you don’t realize this, wet lands like the Florida Everglades are so important to both human and animal life. Both rely on the Florida Everglades drastically but lately the Everglades haven't been in there best shape. The Everglades are being badly affected lately by pollution and new animals being brought into the ecosystem.…
Because of the stray cats and dogs, some people accidently hurt the ecosystem more when they realize it by letting their cat or dog go outside and dig holes and scratch the trees all over the yard. The cats and dogs will destroy the things like trash, mail boxes, flower beds, gardens and other things like that. The helpers have to work harder than before because of the cats that put their hair balls everywhere in the yard or get in to fights with other animals and take over their homes. The dogs also sometimes form into packs, which is worse because they can do more damage together. But there is a way to get rid of this…
"Many people rely on wetlands for their livelihood, as they are important centers for hunting, fishing and recreation" explains Elaine Mao in her article Wetlands and Habitat Loss. She also explains that wetlands like the Everglades filters, cleans, and stores water. Not only does it allow hunting, fishing, and recreation, and filtering, cleaning, and storing of water, it gives us protection of floodwater and hurricanes while allowing a ginormous diversity of species to live there.…
The ecosystem is even being overrun by the pythons, which is very unhealthy. In the same passage, the author also mentions that there is invasive plants in the area as well. There should be a healthy ecosystem in the Everglades, but there isn't because the plants and animals aren't working in harmony. In the passage "Are the Everglades Forever? ", it states "A healthy ecosystem is one in which its plants and animals work in harmony.…
Later on, in 1948, the US Congress decided to create one of the most effective water systems because of the population growth and the need for flood control. It might have been one of the most effective systems and worked great for the people, but it did not work so great for the Everglades and the animals in it. This system that the Congress had made took 1.7 billion gallons of water each day from the Everglades and it took it out to the ocean. Since the US decided to do this, the natural habitats changed. Much of the water gradually diminished in the marshes, and much of the saltwater went further and deeper into the marsh, not toward the ocean but away from it.…
The Everglades is a beautiful wetland ecosystem that begins with the Kissimmee River and travels two million acres to discharge into the vast Lake Okeechobee. The Everglades has a unique ecosystem that includes wildlife such as panthers, crocodiles, manatees, and large assortment of bird species. Wet prairies, which together with aquatic sloughs provide habitat for a wide variety of aquatic invertebrates and forage fish during the rainy season (Clarke et al. 2011). The terrestrial aspect of the everglades includes plant species such as sawgrass, bladderwort, cypress trees, orchids, and many more. Even though the Everglades currently has large amount of unique organisms and biodiversity in its ecosystem it is inferior to its former self, as…
The Everglades is a unique treasure, as it is the largest subtropical wilderness in the United States. It holds mangrove forests, saw grass marshes, and hardwood hammocks dominated by wetlands in its 1.5 acres that are located in South America. It is home to several endangered and exotic wildlife, even some of them are only seen in The Everglades. The Everglades is the only place on earth in which alligator and crocodiles are able to live beside each other, the mixture between salt water and fresh water allows this event to happen. Human development has damaged The Everglades’ ecosystem over the years, especially by shrinking it and endangering several species.…
SP: Local Aquifer Use What problems are associated with pumping too much water from our aquifers in Florida? What major problem seems to be associated with parts of primarily Hillsborough County during late January and February? What is the reason for this and how does it disrupt peoples’ lives? Water just flows above ground right?…
The Everglades nearly drained when there were the first settlers because they had no regard for natural beauty. The early settlers did not just drain the Everglades they also polluted it; scientific tests showed that the…
It is one of most significant, if not the most significant cause of animal endangerment. The destruction of habitats accounts for 36% of the loss of species in the Brazilian Amazon. (“Endangered”) “Forests are complex ecosystems that affect almost every species on the planet. When they are degraded, it can set off a devastating chain of events both locally and around the world.”…
What if over 15% of the United States disappeared? By the year 2040, more than a million acres of Louisiana will vanish. This is important that Louisiana’s wetlands protection is ensured since it helps protect the coast from hurricanes and storms, they provide a home for wildlife, and is a part of Louisiana’s culture. Louisiana’s wetlands and coast provide protection from storms and hurricanes.…