Huck lacks a father figure in his life. Hucks biological father, who he calls Pap, is a drunk and abuses Huck physically and mentally. Pap is the opposite of a positive role model. Pap visits Huck at Widow Douglas’ house with the original intentions of stealing money from him. After Pap hears about Huck’s schooling, he advises him to drop out. Pap feels that Huck thinks he is better than his …show more content…
Jim notices the very obvious wreckage around him and knows that there was indeed a big storm that separated them. Jim realizes that Huck thought he was ignorant enough to be tricked into believing it was all a dream and this really hurts him. This is when Huck first feels guilty for tricking Jim and every moment after this Huck has a new respect for Jim due to the realization that Jim is a fully competent human being whose feelings he hurt. Evans describes Jim in this situation as “a figure who seems far more worthy of our respect than anyone else in the novel” as he pushed aside all assumptions Huck had about him(Evans). This gives Huck a new view of Jim and allows him to begin learning from him rather than judging him for his skin color. The relationship created is the very basis of what a father figure