Huck Finn Moral Development Essay

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Huck’s Journey and Moral Development Outward influences can change one’s moral development. Moral development focuses on the emergence, change, and understanding of morality from infancy through adulthood. In the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, a young boy named Huckleberry Finn travels on an immense journey away from his hometown. Huck’s journey influences his moral development as he learns through his experiences on land, water, and with Jim. Specifically, Huck learns to be mature through his experiences on land. At the start of the novel, Huck is described as immature, uncivilized, rogue, and as a liar. Afraid that his alcoholic father, Pap, will chase after him for money, Huck shows he is maturing as he gives the fortune away to Judge Thatcher at the courthouse saying, “Please take it, and don’t ask me nothing-then I won’t have to tell no lies” (16). By saying “please” and “don’t ask me” Huck is trying to avoid being tied down to the money. He says “please” for the first time and realizes that it is better to trust others rather than lying to them. Huck does not want to lie like he used to before, so he says that he “won’t have to tell no lies”. He is trusting Judge Thatcher to keep the money. Another point where Huck changes is noticed when he says that he “found an old rusty wood-saw without any handle...greased it up and went to work” (29). At Pap’s Cabin, Huck finds this “old rusty wood-saw” and mentions that it was “without any handle”. Huck’s description of the wood-saw shows that he is determined to escape from his father’s abuse by getting a worn-down wood-saw and refurbishing it. Huck says that he “went to work” which shows that Huck is no longer a child of abuse, but a determined, young man, ready to reach his full potential. Subsequently, through his experiences on water, Huck learns responsibility. While traveling down the river, Huck depicts the journey saying, “So in two seconds away we went a-sliding down the river and it did seem so good to be free again and all by ourselves on …show more content…
As Huck debates whether or not to turn in Jim to two slave catchers, he learns the difference between right and wrong. Huck tries to differentiate between the pros and the cons to have a clear conscience. He says, “Well then, says I, what’s the use of learning to do right and it ain’t no trouble to do wrong, and the wages is just the same ” (91) deciding to do the right thing. As Huck tries to choose, he says that the “wages is just the same”, which shows that Huck is thought about giving Jim to the slave catchers in exchange for money. As Huck decides not to trade Jim in, it shows that Huck does not want live recklessly and understands that it is better to think about actions and consider the differences. Huck understands that he has made a mistake, so he apologises to Jim. Huck says that,“It made me feel so mean I could almost kissed his feet to get him to take me back” (86) which represents Huck change in morality. He understands that he has made a mistake and says “it made [him] feel so mean” which allows the audience to notice Huck’s transition. He does not want to lose his bond with Jim and instead apologizes for it. This shows that Huck is being honest with

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