Soraya had a reputation because her past, she told Amir everything that happened. After her story, Amir reflects saying, “I envied her. Her secret was out. Spoken. Dealt with. I opened my mouth and almost told her how I betrayed Hassan, lied, driven him out, and destroyed a forty-year relationship between Baba and Ali. But I didn’t. I suspected there were many ways in which Soraya Taheri was a better person than me. Courage was one of them.” (Hosseini,165). This was a perfect time for Amir to tell Soraya everything he did as a child, watching Hassan get raped to receive the victory kite, accusing Hassan of stealing money to drive him out and treating Hassan poorly out of his jealousy. Amir thought his sins were so bad that Soraya wouldn’t love him anymore.This is why Amir says Soraya has courage since she was in the same position. Yet, Soraya told her story anyway, so Amir can love/accept all of her where Amir was a coward. These pieces show Amir was content on keeping his past …show more content…
Sohrab is begging for Amir to do something, but Amir’s response is it will just be for a little bit I promise. Sohrab would never trust Amir or believe his promise so really Amir’s comforting was meaningless. Even in this moment Amir could have said we’ll figure something out, but instead he went along with hurting the child, then took a nap afterwards. Sohrab is left alone and attempts suicide after the traumatizing news. Amir had tried to better his ways, defending Sohrab at dinner. His relationship with Sohrab grows after numerous months of Sohrab remaining quiet. But Amir’s cowardly acts of betrayal committed cannot be redeemed. Instead of owning up for his mistakes Amir continues to hide his past wrongdoings, and seems not to care about getting redemption for them. Amir’s selfish ways are unchanged in his adult life with him denying Rahim Khan his dying wish. Amir committed the ultimate betrayal to Sohrab by going back on the promise of not letting him go into an orphanage again. Throughout The Kite Runner Amir just repeats his past mistakes, and will probably make the same mistakes again. Everyone has past regrets and mistakes, most people take those issues and evolve from them. However, it can easily be said Amir has not progressed nor made permanent changes from his troubled past; therefore Amir is unworthy of