Reflection Of The Movie: The Village (2004)

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Reflection Paper on The Village (2004)
In the film, The Village, a primitive society of people is influenced by the legends told by the elders, resulting in their containment within the boundaries of the village. They are held there by their belief in the existence of the creatures said to live just beyond the village in the surrounding woods. This belief system follows many of the claims made by Durkheim, including his views on the presence and power of the supernatural or divine. The Village demonstrates that a community that holds the same beliefs and respect for those beliefs may maintain social stability, though the foundation of their system may be false.
Religion is characterized by its features and symbols associated with it. Durkheim
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This divine being(s) hold authority and power over its’ subjects and their actions as it becomes more godlike and more influential in the environment of the believer. The creatures in the film are considered divine mainly because they are viewed as superior by the villagers. After the negotiated pact is betrayed by one of the villagers, a sacrifice is made to pacify the beasts in the forests. An animal was skinned and its’ carcass was given up as a sign of peace to the creatures. Still, the red slashes across the doors symbolized a warning, and are reminiscent of the blood smeared above the doorposts of those in the Old Testament in the Bible. The villagers obeyed what they perceived to be proper religious protocol, because part of their religious belief system is compliance on both sides (human and supernatural) with a set of rules. The process of pacification is believed to be met with acknowledgment of obedience and respect to a forgiving and understanding power. Durkheim argues that there are many characteristics of religions that do not come from beings of divine higher power. While this belief is true in many scenarios, in the context of the film, I perceive that the system is built on the existence and authority of the supernatural creatures. Without them, the boundaries that contain the villagers hold no conviction or authority. It is the belief in the unknown and the mystery behind what may or may not exist that maintains the order. Without the creatures, the customs and practices associated with their interactions would not be seen as fitting or necessary, dismantling their religious system and their

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