According to a survey conducted by the Commonwealth Fund, 35 percent of Americans have difficulty paying their medical bills, and 25 percent do not visit a doctor when they're sick, due to the cost. (Mercola) C. Another problem with the US health care system is that as opposed to other countries, American laws prevents the government from controlling drug prices. (Mercola) 1. An example of this is the recent price increase of Daraprim that was priced at $750 by Turing Pharmaceuticals, simply because they could. (Pollack) 2.…
Opioids are a class of drugs that include the illegal drug heroin, a synthetic drug called fentanyl, and pain relievers available legally by prescription, such as oxycodone, hydrocodone, codeine, morphine, and many others. Opioids work by binding to the body’s opiate receptors; highly concentrated in areas of the brain that control pain and emotions. When opiate drugs bind to these receptors, they can drive up dopamine levels in the brain’s reward areas, producing a state of euphoria and relaxation, some people get the urge to use the drug again and again. Kentucky in the past four years has had over 800 overdoses from heroin alone. Boone County has had almost 300 in the past four years.…
My name is Megan Johnston and I am a registered nurse at a local hospital with nine years of critical care experience. During my career at the bedside, I have watched numerous parents, children, and other family members have to make the difficult decision to take their loved one off of life support and watch them die after an opioid drug overdose. To watch how devastating this is for patients and their loved ones is both heart wrenching and disturbing to me as a healthcare professional. The opioid crisis began to spiral in the 1990s when pharmaceutical companies told providers and prescribers that patients would not likely become addicted to opioid pain relievers, and therefore they were prescribed more frequently, which subsequently led to…
What Caused the Opioid Epidemic? Would you be surprised if I told you that the United States had 50% more people die last year due to a drug epidemic than in car accidents? I heard this on a news podcast and was shocked to find this statistic to be true. This drug crisis is the opioid epidemic we are currently facing in our country that last year alone claimed 60,000 lives. This prompted me to ask, why are we having this epidemic?…
irst at all the drogs are bad for the human been, however the marihuana should be legalized because can be controled and I think is the best option to the manking, besides the economy should be benefect for this bussines, depends of the people who are in charge to decide if aproved or not. The marihuana is dangerous for our body and that situation should be the most important reason to be legalized or not, should be reseach deeply for know the point of view of the cience as a base for to take the decition to be legalized. In my point of view the marihuana should be legalized and maybe in the future the situation of today can change or at less notice low cuantity of people can fall in that addiction, personally I never smoke marihuana but I…
Usually when patients go to the hospitals the doctors will review the medication regiment and they will adjust the medications by decreasing or discontinuing some of the medications. John is receiving Methadone, Neurontin and Norco together with Tylenol PM. Norco and Methadone both contain opioid which is addictive and can cause withdrawal if these meds are cut down or discontinued. John is undergoing a procedure that will also require to reduce opioids intake due to risk for diminished or stopped breathing during surgery.…
The opioid crisis is a problem that has been on the rise for the past years. According to research about 300 people die a day due to opioid addiction. Papaver somniferum otherwise known as the opium poppy is a plant that produces the base for many pain reliever however it is extremely addicting. In the medical field, opium is extremely important and doctors prescribe medication with this substance on a daily basis. Approximately 80 percent of the world’s opioid supply is consumed by the United States and considering the United States only have 4.4 percent of the total world’s population goes to show the huge problem with this addiction.…
10 Thesis / Research Question: Are opioids a beneficial treatment option for cancer patients? I. Introduction: Interesting opening remarks to grab the reader?s attention: quote, short story, startling statistics Thesis: What question are you exploring in this paper and why is it important to research? What is the answer to your thesis question (Are opioids a beneficial treatment option for cancer patients?)?…
If you take prescription opioids, you may have experienced withdrawal symptoms at some point—perhaps when you forgot to take a scheduled dose of medication. Opioid withdrawal is highly unpleasant, and for some people it feels intolerable. Symptoms: Anxiety, pain, shakiness, nausea, achiness. If you experience withdrawal symptoms, this does not meant that you cannot get off opioids, rather that your opioid level was dropped too quickly and your body was surprised by the lack of medication. The key is to work with your body to successfully taper your opioids—by making small changes slowly over time.…
The United States have spent far more money on the health care than any other countries. At 17.1% of their gross domestic product on health care, the United States devoted at least 50 percent more of its economy to health care than do other countries (Squires &Anderson, 2015). Even with so much spending on healthcare, people in the United States are still unable to afford the health care prices, particularly the need for prescription drugs. It is difficult for consumers who have already spent money on health coverage, and with high drug cost due to pharmaceuticals’ regulation on price increased the burden for patients to afford the drugs that they need. Drugs are created and manufactured by the pharmaceutical companies where they have the authority…
Opioids have been used in pharmaceutical drugs as a painkiller. Opioids are in medications like morphine, hydrocodone and oxycodone, which have been praised for their effectiveness for patients suffering extreme pain However, there have been downsides to using opioids in drugs. The use of opioids has lead to addictions and to deaths in the United States. After people take opioids as a painkiller, they can become addicted to the drug. This addiction they get can lead them deeper into addiction or even death.…
In the recent years there has been an increase in the use of Opioids. I would not have realized how big the drug epidemic was if I had not taken the Addiction and Substance Abuse weekend intensive here at the School of Social Work. Throughout the three-day weekend we learned about many different addictions, but one day focused on drug courts and substance abuse and I knew I wanted to learn more. I choose to focus on prescription drugs, mainly opioids, because of how readily available these drug are.…
Americans use more prescription drugs than any other developed country. Prescription drugs only represent 12 percent of total health care costs in the United States, but the rising prices of those drugs is an issue that keeps reoccurring not only for patients, but for prescribers, payers, and policy makers. There are people that believe that the rise in price of these drugs is appropriate, but if they keep on rising in price, the United States will start suffering not only financially but medically. Despite a lot of other aspects of the economy rising in price, pharmaceutical drugs should be lowered, or should at least be kept at a reasonable rate. The rise in prices of prescription drugs is an issue that does not seem to be going away…
MODULE IV Discussion I There are hundreds of opioid conversion calculators available online, though they are not all of good quality. I would like to direct you to one of the opioid conversion calculators that I find to be most useful and evidence based. Locate and complete 2 opioid conversions of your choice and read the description of your "answer." Discuss your experience with this calculator as compared to others you have used in the past.…
Since the seventies there has been an ongoing war on U.S soil. This war first started by President Richard Nixon and later enforced by every president following him is called “The War on drugs”. With thirty plus year fighting this so called war, one would think that it is being won, but unfortunately this is not the case. The war on drug is not only being lost, but costing the country millions, lowering drug cost, increasing corruption, rising crime rates, and increasing drug use. Because of these reasons is why the war on drugs should be ended at once.…