I am an undergrad Human Biology student studying nutrition at the University of Wisconsin Green Bay. I am asking you to cosponsor the CONC US SB 2529 (or CONG US HR 4617) bill that would amend the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act requiring that the Buy American purchases for the school lunch program include fish harvested within United States waters, and for other purposes. Fish caught outside of US waters runs a higher risk for contamination by substances banned in the United States. Most of the seafood the US consumes is imported, with 80-90% being imported and half of that is farm raised.…
Ohio Legislation Creation of penalties for opium overdose Vignesh Lalgudi Why are opioids such as problem in Ohio? Why are taxpayers paying for addicts to receive treatment, then to get addicted again? Could we fine the addict? Could we fine the suppliers for the addict? Unfortunately, addicts and suppliers won’t have the money to pay for fines.…
Proposition 61 is The Drug Price Relief Act and it deals with the regulating of drug price by requiring state agencies to pay the same price that the US Department of Veteran Affairs pays for prescriptions. Although proposition 61 entices many voters, it excludes 88% of Californians. Voting Yes on Prop 61 means state agencies will be prohibited from raising drug prices on any of the lowest prescriptions paid for by the US Department of Veteran Affairs. This will limit the price state agencies are paying for prescription drugs. Voting No on Prop 61 means that state agencies will be given the chance to negotiate the price and pay for prescriptions without having to pay the same as the US Department of Veteran Affairs.…
Nevada Nevada is a state with a lot of history, background, gambling, and more. Nevada is famous for its gambling, mining, and it’s production of gold and silver. With it’s history Nevada is very interesting. Nevada is the thirty sixth state in the U.S.…
The reason I stand for the HR 1227 bill, is because I believe that people want marijuana for all of the wrong reasons. Even though this drug is used for health purposes, there are other ways for people to access this drug for other purposes. As a matter of fact, it would actually be easier for certain kinds of people to access this drug, if this bill didn’t get passed. You also need to look at the jurisdiction standpoint. If we allow this law to pass we would potentially stop things from getting confused.…
Senate Bill 1070 is an Arizona Law that requires the Arizona police to check the immigration record on people they pull over. If the immigration position does not say they are from the U.S. they will be transported back to the country that they have come to America from. Many people disagree about this as it is invading people’s privacy. A lot of people that come illegally to America don't even pay the taxes they should. Also, most of the youth that come to America illegally end up most of the time joining dangerous gangs.…
America is a melting pot of different nationalities coming together as one. Most everyone who lives in America either originates from a different country or their ancestors came to America looking for opportunity. Since America is made up of immigrants that arrived in our country years ago, it is reasonable to conclude that America would have an open door policy for everyone today. In reality, immigrants don’t arrive at Ellis Island and simply walk off the boat becoming a U.S. citizen anymore. There is a long and strict process in place created by our federal government to become a legal resident of the United States.…
Discrimination against bilinguals manifests in the issue of bilingual education. I support bilingual education and access to it. Lack of access to bilingual education inhibits bilinguals’ ability to learn. I agree with Espada’s position to teach bilinguals in the language they prefer because doing so grants bilinguals a more equal access to education as English speakers. Providing bilinguals with a more equal access to education is essential in bilinguals’ battle for equality.…
As of November 9, 2016 proposition 64 was passed into a law. Proposition 64 gives the legal right to any adult of the age of 21 to be able to use, possess, transport, and even grow certain amounts of non medical marijuana. Retail locations for recreational marijuana use will not be open until January 1, 2018. It is also stated in proposition 64 that in the state of California, each county will be able to determine if the use of recreational marijuana will be legal or not. This is a very controversial topic due to the business ethics of selling marijuana.…
Bilingualism has long been a hot-button topic in the United States and it’s often hard to tell the difference between bilingualism and other controversial issues such as segregation, immigration and education reform. Bilingualism often involves some of the most, economically and politically, disadvantaged groups living in the United States, namely, undocumented immigrants. Since the addition of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, legal battles have been fought and won, to ensure that all people regardless of their citizenship status, are equally protected under the law. One such case is Plyler v. Doe 1981.…
Rodriguez grew up in a Spanish speaking family thriving and eager to expand his education and vocabulary in the “loud, booming with confidence” English language. According to Rodriguez, bilingual educationists have strong disbelief in the idea that schools should be assimilated with bilingual education because the students lack “a degree of ‘individuality’” This sense of individuality is absent in public society because often your heritage sets you apart from most others around you.…
is so far behind in advancements academically and socially. Every other country encourages and supports bilingual education. In each claim and argument Rodriguez presents there are harmful consequences that the reader takes away from them. He believes that one’s native language and the public language are unable to coincide, not based on research or statistics, merely based on his own personal experience with not being able to handle the two. The takeaway from this belief is that there should only be one language in America, the public language.…
Hispanic faces similar disadvantages as other minorities in America. Hispanic face similar issues like quality of schools, funding, and completion of schools. According to the Office of Civil Rights Data Collection for 2006 (Civil Rights Data Collection 2012), racial and ethnic minority students composed the following percentages of the school-aged population Hispanic make up 17 %. Educational disparities are the result of structural, cultural, and individual factors.…
Equal Protection for English Language Learners Equal protection is a right of the people including students in school. The Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution is what has enabled this right.…
If I were to move to Russia, the government would require me to learn Russian, however if I were to move to Japan there’s no requirement to learn Japanese; I would be relying on other forms of communication to go about my life. This is the case in many areas around the United States and most noticeably in Miami. Declaring English as a requirement instead of a suggestion will not only improve bilingualism but also increase productivity for foreign born…