Gender Roles Essay
Adventure Time is an animated cartoon in the Cartoon Network. The series follows the adventures of Finn, a 14-year-old human boy, and his best friend Jake, a dog with magical powers to change shape and grow and shrink at will. Finn and Jake live in the post-apocalyptic Land of Ooo. I chose to write about a specific episode called Princess Cookie which raises many questions on the relevant gender roles issues in this society.
“Princess Cookie” focuses on a rogue cookie, named Baby-Snaps who has taken a group of candy people hostage in a store because Princess Bubblegum will not give him a crown and deem him a princess, which is when Finn and Jake are called in to solve the problem. In an attempt to disarm the rouge cookie, Finn and Jake disguise themselves and enter the store as a milkman (Jake) and his shadow (Finn). …show more content…
the point is, gender roles are such a destructive thing. I think we’re all familiar with the concept: “you can’t play [insert ‘gender specific’ game] with us because you’re a boy/girl!” Children who show interest anything that goes against their gender role, pertaining to their biological sex, are generally “corrected” by society, thus instantly instilling the idea that “I’m a boy/girl, therefore I must do ____”. Princess cookie completely rebutted this idea. He wanted to be a princess because he knew princesses could help people. What does it matter if “boys can’t be princesses”? Maybe he felt like one on the inside or maybe he just felt like taking on the title because he was inspired by PB? No matter the reason, it did not even occur to Jake to judge him for trying to be who he wanted to be - even if that happened to be something that was “untraditional” for a