President Truman's Decision To Dropping The Atomic Bomb On Japan

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In August 1945 2 powerful weapon were dropped on Japan. These weapons were called atomic bombs that were dropped and it forever changed how the world worked. President Truman was the one who decided to drop the bombs on Japan so that he could end WW2 and to show off the atomic weapon power to its rival the USSR. He wasn’t the only person involved in making the decision in dropping the bomb. Secretary of War Stimson,and the Interim Committee which included top scientist that were working on the project as advisors were involved in the decision and their motives were different. The model of organizational process created many sub groups that had different motives and duties about why they dropped the bomb.

President Truman decided to drop
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Beside President Truman motivations which was to end the war, he was still new to this idea of the atomic bombs. Stimson Secretary of War brief him on the topic and advised Truman to drop the bombs. Stimson reasoning for doing this was to first end the war with Japan and secondly to scare the USSR. Since Truman wanted to know more so that he make the right decision and with Stimson they help formed the Interim Committee. It included high ranking military officials and top scientist from the Manhattan Project as advisor like Oppenheimer, Fermi, Lawrence, and Arthur Compton. At first the committee couldn 't agree on how to use the weapon. Some wanted to warn both Japan and Russia to watch a demonstration of the weapons while others wanted a surprise attack on Japan. As time went on they agreed on a surprise attack and harden to idea that innocent Japanese civilians were going be involved as casualties. It shows that the decision to drop the bombs on Japan was more a group effort which included the President, Secretary of war, and the Interim Committee. The decision to drop the bomb on Japan was a group decision between Truman, Stimson, and Interim Committee which was number one to end the war, and number two to scare the …show more content…
Since FDR used the model of organizational process and it created may subgroups with different goals which reported to him, it natural created different motivations for them. When FDR died and Truman came into power, he didn’t knew anything about this. Since he was new to this and wanted more information about the bombs and asked the groups for advice. Then these groups started to report to him about dropping the bomb. Some didn’t want the bomb to drop because they felt that Japan was ready to surrender. But since Truman refuse to give them conditional surrender they lost this option. The rest of sub groups wanted the bomb to be dropped but for different reasons. Some wanted it to be dropped so that they scare the Soviets and stop them from getting more land. Others didn’t want to lose even more US troops and thought the bombs would save lives and time by ending the war faster. The last groups wanted the bombs to drop because of unconditional surrender which FDR believed and lot of people including Truman wanted. Everyone in the model of organizational process had different motives like ending the war faster and saving troops lives, scaring the soviets, and unconditional surrender towards Japan. The model of organizational process created many sub groups with different conclusion on why they dropped

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