Having multiple marriages for alliances and political power, Philip built and left an amazingly powerful kingdom that set up many of the awe inspiring feats that Alexander the great could not have pulled off on his own. Improvement with the weapons and formations of the soldiers developed throughout Philip’s life and the resources gained through his conquests made the Macedonian army easily the most fearsome of the time and many subtle actions allowed Philip to exert a control of his kingdom that most leaders weren’t able to, culminating in an incredible power in the ancient world with a nearly invincible army, a large source of income and a large region under one
Having multiple marriages for alliances and political power, Philip built and left an amazingly powerful kingdom that set up many of the awe inspiring feats that Alexander the great could not have pulled off on his own. Improvement with the weapons and formations of the soldiers developed throughout Philip’s life and the resources gained through his conquests made the Macedonian army easily the most fearsome of the time and many subtle actions allowed Philip to exert a control of his kingdom that most leaders weren’t able to, culminating in an incredible power in the ancient world with a nearly invincible army, a large source of income and a large region under one