Directions: Choose only one answer. You are responsible for making clean marks and erasing your mistakes. Try your best. When you are done, check your answers.
Work on this on Monday Evening: Match the term with the definition. Type your response on the document. I will try to upload a scantron for you to use, but don’t wait for me to do so!
Matching: For questions 1 through 4. Not all of the choices are used.
Place the letter next to the correct word
Write the answer/letter next to the number.
1. D
3. A
5. B
A. exaggeration for effect
B. comparison of two or more things …show more content…
enjambment(look it up) b. metaphor c. simile d. onomatopoeia e. repetition
What is the meaning of the figurative language?
15. Gracefully she sat down sideways, / With a simper smile
a. rhyme b. simile c. metaphor d. personification e. alliteration
What is the meaning of the figurative language?
16. Drip—hiss—drip—hiss— fall the raindrops.
a. metaphor b. hyperbole c. personification d. onomatopoeia e. simile
What is the meaning of the figurative language?
17. The fountain tossed its water, / Up and up, like silver marbles.
a. hyperbole b. simile c. rhyme d. idiom e. metaphor
What is the meaning of the figurative language?
18. Falstaff sweats to death, as he walks along; / Were't not for laughing, I should pity him.
a. rhyme b. simile c. personification d. hyperbole e. metaphor
What is the meaning of the figurative language?
19. Lives of great men remind us / We can make our lives sublime; And, departing, leave behind us / Footprints on the sands of time.
a. metaphor b. simile c. hyperbole d. personification e. onomatopoeia
20. His sorrow goes / Like mountain snows / In waters sweet and …show more content…
It seems I have lived for a hundred years
Among these things;
And it is useless for me now to make complaint against them.
For I know I shall never escape from this
Dull barbarian country,
Where there is none now left to lift a cool jade winecup,
Or share with me a single human thought.
6. Tepid: only slightly warm; luke warm.
27. Which of the above poems has a continuous rhythm?
a. We Wear the Mask b. Poet Among Barbarians
d. neither of these poems c. both of these poems
28. Which of the above poems use rhyme?
a. We Wear the Mask b. Poet Among Barbarians
d. neither of these poems c. both of these poems
29. Which of the above poems uses more hyperbole?
a. We Wear the Mask b. Poet Among Barbarians
d. neither of these poems c. both of these poems
30. Which of the above poems uses metaphor?
a. We Wear the Mask b. Poet Among Barbarians
d. neither of these poems c. both of these poems
31. Which of the above poems uses simile?
a. We Wear the Mask b. Poet Among Barbarians
d. neither of these poems c. both of these