Personal Narrative: My Fear Of Small Pets

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Yesterday marked the six-month anniversary of the day I was hired for my fifty-cent-more than minimum wage post at a big-box pet store. I started off as a cashier and made my way over into Pet Care in record time, especially for someone who had close to no experience with the animals I would be caring for. I knew a bit about the small mammals; hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, rats, mice, and chinchillas, and I tried to make that a bigger selling point than it actually is. There isn't nearly as much to know about them as there is, say, eyelash crested geckos. Or running a fucking fish tank.

Six months ago, I was a bright and cheery employee, who genuinely enjoyed my job. The customers slowly beat that out of me. The worst was about two or three months in, when we were running a coupon for five dollars off a
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You're afraid of rats!"

He then reminded me about my fear of the Rose Hair and Pink Toe Tarantulas, which I wanted to argued was not so much a fear as it was an aversion when I realized Ramon felt the same way.

I then wanted to argue that tarantulas bite and throw barbed hair of their back legs, but then I remembered that rats can bite down to the bone.

Maybe Ramon's fear of hamsters (and his fear did extend to hamsters, I tested it by bringing one into his office) seemed ridiculous to me, but my initial aversion to the Ball Pythons and my continued dislike of tarantulas and scorpions probably seemed ridiculous to him. He has two.

My brother is afraid of movie theatres; that's a little ridiculous. My Mom is afraid of grocery stores.

But my brother is afraid of movie theatres because he has sensory processing issues. My Mom is afraid of grocery stores for a personal, yet justifiable, reason.

My Dad once told me that when babies are born, they aren't afraid of the dark; they only learn how to be afraid later. It might be a crock of shit (a lot of what he says is), but it got me

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