Through the creation of a summary of financial reports management such as business executives can have access to information fast. Thus, helping executives identify the most important points showcased in the financial report. A prime example is as simple as a break down on how much business have spent on advertising and marketing during the year. By comparing revenues, profits, expenses, and factoring in the year-over-year changes will help executives determine which areas need additional attention. Although, it is essential to keep in mind that executives are not the only ones who depend on and read the financial report summary. Remember stockholders and investors have a vested interest on who …show more content…
C. Penney’s revenues, profits, expenses, and year-over-year changes can accredit to the increase in the following: Cost of Goods, pension (benefits), Operation income/loss, marketing and sales, cost of facilitate (real estate), and technology. On the other side of the same coin J. C. Penny’s year-over-year changes that showed a decline in the following: Total net sales, earnings per share, and gross margin. The Wall Street Journal have analyzed J. C. Penny’s for the past five years as it pertains to operating expenses, management and proportion to growth the statistic are as follows: beginning with revenues ($ millions): 2012 ending is $12,625; 2013 ending $12,985; 2014 ending $11, 895; 2015 ending $12,257, and 2016 ending is $12,625, showing a sales growth of -24.77% in 2013, a -8.67% in 2014, in 2015 3.3%, and 2016 at 3.00% with each passing year J. C. Penney’s was able to show an increase in sales growth. (The Wall Street Journal) Annual reports are the height of any organization communications, providing information on the performance of the company throughout the year as well as a foretaste of future endeavors. Throughout my research, I’ve indicated three areas within the management statements that managers pinpointed as problem areas. The first area is the reduction and restructuring of our workforce as it may adversely impact our operating efficiency. It is unrealistic to think that business can continue without change. It is necessary for a business to restructure to stay on track. (JCP Annual