Peaceful Resistant To The Law

Decent Essays
Peaceful resistant to the law is positive impact on society because nowadays in our society kids want to feel like they can be rebels and stand out against the cops when they feel the need to. Being able to resist against the cops even peacefully might help downplay the act of resisting violently to the cops and getting themselves in any more trouble than need be. All cops want is for whoever they are chasing to just come peacefully and not get hurt. So if more people came peacefully then the society as a whole would follow the crowd and then they would more likely come peacefully. Society as a whole need to realize that the cops are there to help us not hurt us unless you do something to them to make them feel like they need to hurt you to try and …show more content…
Society as a whole would be a whole lot a better and more calmer if the police and everyone else would just get along with each other and not try and fight the system unless they really didn’t really do anything wrong then take it up with the court and appeal to the judge. The court system can be very difficult in the way they process people. The court doesn’t like it when people fight getting brought in and the when they inmate resists arrest then that might make them look like they are trying to hide something and that’s the reason why they resisted arrest in the first place. Resisting arrest isn’t the best option especially if the person is innocent, that’s why if you just come in willingly it would just be better for everyone in the long run. Hopefully in the future people will learn and comply with the officers that are trying to help them out in the long

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