Paul Krugman's Essay 'Confronting Inequality'

Superior Essays
In Paul Krugman’s essay, “Confronting Inequality,” he provides claims on how the United States can reduce the evident inequality which exists in its society. He speaks on how the great country he once knew has grown into one that is riddled with inequality in all areas of life. His claims come in the form of many changes in education, government, and corporation. I have mixed feelings when it comes to the claims made by Krugman. I agree with his claims regarding education and taxes; however, I do not agree with those regarding businesses.
Krugman starts his essay by giving evidence of income inequality in the United States. He shows his readers how the wealthy have birthed their very own society within a large society and focuses in on their wealthy education systems, which can afford to hire teachers with PhDs and state of the art teaching equipment. I could not agree more with the unfairness involved with the education system. If the United States wants to eliminate inequality from the roots, the education system would be the place to start.
To accomplish this mighty task, there would need to be nationwide teaching standards put into place, and a program making sure each school has the same
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On paper, unions seem to work very well, bringing in advanced benefits and a higher minimum wage. At the same time, unions always have the opportunity to be involved with strikes, and strikes can be a useful and effective strategy to get what you deserve. The flip side to this being, some people cannot afford to stop working so they can go on strike. I know this to be a factual statement because of the way they have affected my own family. In my grandpa’s life, strikes hurt more than they helped. He was forced to move across the country because he could not afford to not be paid and go on strike. Therefore, strikes can sometimes mean benefits for some at the expense of

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