Fourteen years later, in 1952, Robert Briggs and Thomas King tried to clone a frog egg (History of Cloning). Their method was to collect …show more content…
Society itself is created by the Bokanovsky Process (Huxley 6). Bokanovsky somehow splits an egg so many times, and then uses a process called decanting to create 96 clones/twins. Scientists have not cloned humans, but with the advancements scientists make we can reach human cloning in our lifetime. The scientists in Brave New World do cloning on a much larger scale, compared to our scientists. The larger scale in Brave New World is due to their mass production and assembly line of decanting. The ending results are multiple genetically identical clones, which is the same in both cases. The decanting process in Brave New World is very similar to scientists putting the cells into a surrogate mother to be born. Though we are not advanced enough, the principle of cloning in both time periods are similar, but on much different