Oedipus Tragic Flaw

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The downfall of mankind is an essential part of comprehending human nature. If there is nothing tragic, then inversely there is little happiness to be taken from comedy. Nonetheless, every tragedy requires a hero with a tragic flaw. The protagonist being human makes the character relatable and even more pitiful because the audience is aware that his inevitable downfall is to come. His tragic flaw not only harms himself but harms others in the story as well. Works such as Sophocles' drama Oedipus the King is a prime example of a character with a tragic flaw that leads to his ultimate downfall. In this story, the character's tragic flaw is pride, leading him to discover the truth behind his past and thus spurring on attempts to evade his inevitable …show more content…
Back in ancient Greek times, incest was considered the eviler or evils. Even in today's western society, it is seen as immoral and taboo. Incest, being an unjustifiable crime that causes only sorrow. Especially, since it is a king and queen committing such a heinous and unimaginable crime. One cannot help feel disgust and repulsion towards the incestuous relationship between a mother and son. Although they are oblivious to their relationship, the mere act and notion on one bedding their mother is socially unacceptable. Due to biological factors, such as sharing the same blood. But one has to take into consideration the situation and the circumstances. Oedipus did not have to knowledge of Jocasta being her mother. Even if he did, maybe the story would have had a different ending. Also it needs to be taken into consideration, the environmental factors that surrounds this story which is that she did not raise him so they never psychologically played the role of mother and son which holds a major component in one's psyche. Biologically the are considered mother and son but environmentally they are unfamilar with one another in that fashion. Adding insult to injury, Oedipus in his rage and

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