Heroes are people who are above average people who go out of their way to help other people like veterans, men and women who risked their lives so that we could be able to do the things we enjoy in life. Even veterans were around in Ancient Greece. Even Odysseus was a veteran he fought in the trojan war 3000 years ago, and in other times fighting to get back home to his family. A perfect example of a veteran is odysseus from the Odyssey. He travels all around greece on his way from the trojan war.…
The famous epic poem by Homer, The Odyssey, tells of Odysseus’ tumultuous journey back to his home on the island of Ithaka. Odysseus, the main character in the epic poem, appears to be the hero slaying the monsters, but as his journey continues it becomes more difficult to distinguish who the monster really is. Upon closer inspection, the true monster is not one of the various mythical creates Odysseus faces, but is instead Odysseus himself. Passages from book nine and book 22 of The Odyssey, demonstrate how the true monster is actually Odysseus. Odysseus and his men arrive on an island, in book nine, and enter a cave seeking to steal any valuable loot they can find.…
Yes, according to the Hero's Journey Odysseus is indeed a hero. The first stage of a hero's journey is a call to adventure. This begins when Odysseus is called to the battle of Troy. After the invitation, there is the refusal of the call which is shown when Odysseus tried to stay with his wife and son instead of going into battle. In most of the book, Athena continued to constantly save Odysseus and helped him on the journey therefor completing the third step in a hero's journey which was having a mentor.…
Odysseus has been on a long journey trying to find his way home. On his journey Odysseus has changed into a man of loyalty, a man of hope, a man of honesty. Over the journey he experiences many battles that has made him the man he is today. In the Odyssey, Homer uses odysseus’s journey to show how one’s journey can change them as a person. Odysseus has gained loyalty when he and his men arrived in the land of the Lotus-Eaters, three of Odysseus' men ate the intoxicating lotus plant.…
In Homer’s epic, The Odyssey, Odysseus is finally released from Calypso after seven years. Odysseus proceeded to lead his men on his way back home to be reunited with his wife, Penelope. Today, Homer is globally seen as a great leader for his men, but his clear demonstration of pride, daringness, and his pettiness made him a horrible leader. One of the biggest weaknesses for leaders is having too much pride, and Odysseus has more than enough of that, as shown in the Cyclops. Odysseus’ crew was caught by a Cyclops, but when he got away he decided to insult the Cyclops (The Cyclops. 476).…
“Your grandfather, Odysseus arrived at the swineherd’s house and reunited with his old friend, Eumaeus Eumaeus did not recognize him and only saw him as a beggar. Nonetheless, he welcomed Odysseus into his dwelling and fed him food and wine - remember son, we must welcome everyone to our homes, for we cannot anger Zeus, the host god. Eumaeus truly honored your grandfather and he talked on and on about his riches and his heroic journey to Troy. Even though he thought your grandfather will never return home he told him that he was still protective of his riches, and he was furious with your grandmother’s suitors freeloading of all the wealth and food you grandfather had.…
Odysseus has protected his family and the people who stand with him in the ways he knows best, so I believe that in the Odyssey by Homer that the main character Odysseus is a hero even though he had lost his men to the gods and monsters he came in contact with and had lied to his family he had to protect the people he loved from others that want to hurt him thought his loved ones. Odysseus is a hero in my view from the way that he tricks the Cyclops in to believing that his name is Nohbdy instead if Odysseus so when he and his men escape the Cyclops cannot tell who had been there. The reason Odysseus told the Cyclops that his name was Nohbdy was that he knew that if someone would have asked the cyclops who had tricked him and they could be one that would not know that he was alive and might be one of his enemy’s. When he was planning a way to escape eight of his men were eaten by the cyclops from the long wait from the making of the plain but it was one of the sacrifices he had to make for a better out come from them…
The Odyssey, an epic poem by Homer later adapted into a play by Simon Armitage, is a narrative depicting the journey of the greek hero Odysseus back to Ithaca after fighting in the Trojan War. His voyage spans twenty years, and throughout the course of his trip back home, Odysseus and his men encounter various obstacles that they need to overcome. Since Odysseus is essentially the leader of his crew, it is most often his responsibility to defeat the enemy and solve the problem at hand. At times, his actions could be classified as violent and unjust, such as him causing unnecessary conflicts with enemies and resorting to killing them. Nonetheless, Odysseus is still a war veteran, and has been exposed to this brutal style of solving issues for…
Essay During Odysseus journey back to Ithaca, he encounters many different challenges along the way. Odysseus approach to these numerous conflicts tells a lot about his character. Odysseus is a confident, skillful, intelligent and an arrogant man when he faces some difficult situations. When he visits the Cyclops, to learn if he was friendly or hostile, Odysseus showed confidence when the Cyclops ask who had intruded in his cave.…
Odysseus, the main character in Homer’s The Odyssey, is not a hero. He shows many non-heroic traits by today’s standards, such as his unending arrogance and need to prove himself, his unfaithfulness to his wife Penelope, and his bloodlust and unjust killings. Throughout the book Odysseus shows these characteristics through his actions. He Insults a Cyclops, he stays with and sleeps with a nymph for seven long years and he slaughters many maids who barely did anything wrong.…
In order to get home Odysseus had to choose which path him and his crew will venture. Having the choice of Kharybdis, a deadly whirlpool or Skylla, a six-headed monster, “if you come upon her [Kharybdis] then/ the god who makes earth tremble could not save you/ No, hug the cliff of Skylla, take your ship/ through on a racing stroke” (12.126-29). Odysseus, in taking all the information given to him by Kirke and Teiresias opted for the route with Skylla. In doing so Odysseus lost six of his best men, however he reaches the island of Helios. Although Odysseus’ decision caused a loss of crewmates, he made the suitable verdict.…
It is both completely effortless and extremely challenging to return home. This is due to the true meaning of home itself; it is both a physical building and a place where one flourishes. For Odysseus, this was his endpoint as well as his goal, both of which would not happen simultaneously. As Odysseus reached his endpoint, his goal wasn't exactly achieved. He still had an adventure left in and of itself; he had arrived, but he still wasn't quite home yet.…
What if the person one looks up to or longs to return is not the person they expect that person to be? In the Odyssey, by Homer, this is the case for Odysseus. He is not the man everyone thinks he is. To begin with, the epic the Odyssey is about the return of the “great” king of Ithaka, Odysseus, from the Trojan War. He spends ten years fighting the war and is now on his way home where he is creating tension that is prolonging his return to Ithaka.…
Home is a place that makes people feel safe and loved, Odysseus from The Odyssey by Homer, was kept from his home for twenty years. Odysseus had to face a cyclops, sea monsters, and the intervention of the gods due to his hubris. In life, there is a journey and a destination, but to reach a destination, there must be a journey to get there. Odysseus was on a journey to get to his destination, his home, but did many things to make his journey longer. Odysseus was a very arrogant and impatient man before his journey, but if he did not have those qualities, he would not have been on his journey home, which was very necessary for his change.…
Having already angered Poseidon Odysseus lands on the island of cyclopes. Odysseus and his crew end up trapped in Polyphemus' cave, in an effort to escape him and his crew decide to stab out the cyclopes' eye. After escaping, they run back to their ship and Odysseus…