Obesity In North America Research Paper

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Obesity rates in North America are among highest in the world and must be controlled to prevent premature deaths caused by its complications. Obesity is a simple disease characterized by excess weight which may be the reason that it is sometimes overlooked. Although obesity is not deadly its complications such as cardiovascular diseases, pulmonary diseases and diabetes will kill (Walley et al. par. 1). Even though complications of obesity are fatal, the obesity levels in North America have increased during the past few decades. The obesity rate was highest for the United States around 32 percent up from 15 percent in 1970 to Canada at 29 percent up from 12 percent in 1970 (Lebel et al. par. 5). Obesity rates are not any better for the youth …show more content…
21). Food such as pizza, burgers, tacos and especially drinks such as coke and fruit punch can be classified as junk food. We all can relate to the fact that we eat junk food every day, and sometimes it becomes our breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The World Health Organisation (WHO) recognized that the consumption of junk food is due to low prices compared to fresh produce which over time leads to obesity (Franck et al. par. 5). The United States federal government has been reluctant to levy taxes on junk food which may be due to political considerations because of public backlash. Individual states in the US have collected sales tax on junk food items with a similar response in Canada in the form of value added tax (Franck et al. par. 8). Taxing junk food reduces the likely hood of obesity in that particular region by four times and the revenue generated tunes into billions of dollars each year (Franck et al. par. 9). Calorie menu labeling is compulsory in 27 US states, but despite its effectiveness in helping people make better food choices, it's still not a national law (Kersh par. 21). More taxes on junk food like the tax on cigarettes are required to decrease its consumption and in turn, curb …show more content…
In such a case medication becomes necessary while behavioral treatment can continue alongside it. Obesity medication can help patients lose up to 10 percent of their initial weight over the period of a year with continuous use (UCSF par. 12). Beta-methyl-phenylethylamine (Fastin) increase fat metabolism while Orlistat (Xenical) blocks 30 percent of dietary fat from being absorbed (UCSF par. 13). Both Phentermine and Sibutramine (Meridia) are appetite suppressants approved for long term use (UCSF par. 13). Obesity is not entirely in the body but the mind as well. Depression and anxiety can lead to binge eating disorder which is characterized by eating large amounts of food during emotional outbreaks (Wikipedia par. 1). Binge eating disorder can affect anyone at any time and usually leads to obesity if the person was initially thin (Wikipedia par. 15). Antidepressants such as fluoxetine or sertraline are effective in suppressing binge eating along with anticonvulsant medications such as topiramate and zonisamide which suppress appetite (Wikipedia par. 13). A big drawback of drugs is that they can not ‘cure’ obesity and lost weight could be gained after use is stopped. Weight loss medications can have serious side effects depending from person to person and should only be discontinued when the excess weight is manageable (UCSF par. 14). Medication can be used in

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