Nietzsche's Metaphors Of Language

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Nietzsche argues that man as an ‘artistically creating subject’ , and thus he creates his own language in which to live. However, the reliance than man has upon language leads him to fooling himself over the importance of such matters of truth and morality. Without an internal system of meaning man could not live with any repose, security or consistency, here meaning that language dictates what will happen and continue to happen. This ‘primitive world of metaphor’ , that is the language we have created, shelters us from existential crisis.
The level of consciousness of humans has led to the construction of concepts for communitive purposes; firstly creating languages from shared sensory perceptions and then building to the relation of one
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But an even greater problem in our reliance on the metaphor is that the very conveyance of the attempts to exit metaphor rely upon metaphor …show more content…
Man without metaphor cannot know anything, truth cannot exist in any sense because ‘truth’ is a concept which we ourselves have created. And so Nietzsche reasons that man can only be comfortable existing within his self-created idealism insofar as he can be guaranteed ‘consistency’ of his understanding, merely because it is self-created. It is imperative for man to think ‘the sun will rise tomorrow’ or ‘the grass is always green’, for without these judgments being consistent there can be no true facts. Once a sentence loses its validity, the concept of truth no longer existing, man cannot know anything.
Escaping ‘the metaphor’ could mean personal destruction of an individual’s internal belief system; within us all is a personal unwillingness to believe that all knowledge, our concepts and our truths are meaningless. Furthermore, without man to have to knowledge of man, or the ability to name himself man, the concept of man would be destroyed. If Nietzsche is correct in arguing that nothing matters it would lead at best to deflationist chaos, if not the crisis of every individual who believes his work. And so the deflationist statement leaves us with nothing, not even the pride of false

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