Causes And Symptoms Of Schizophrenia

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Schizophrenia is a well-known emotional and mental disorder that causes hallucinations, paranoid and delusional behaviour (Hoffer 2004). In contrary to many other diseases, schizophrenia is mostly affected and caused by external environment. People that are suffering from this disorder usually cannot differentiate from the imaginative world from the real one. Schizophrenia is very often a result of stress and develops gradually (DeLisi 2011). It is therefore, very important to start early treatment of the disorder. To better understand Schizophrenia, one must know the symptoms, the treatments, the prognosis and the effect is has on the schizophrenic and the others around them. Symptoms
There are multiple symptoms,
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Although these may seem less obviously alarming than positive symptoms, they too may be a serious indicator of unhealthiness (Tsuang 2011). Affective flattening is a common negative symptom. The schizophrenic may look dazed, not making any eye contact or responding to communication. At times the individual may smile and seem to "return to earth", but the expression of any emotions is very limited (Hoffer 2004). Alogia has been defined as a poverty of speech. When questioned, the person will answer, but the responses are short, often meaningless. The individual seems unable to turn thoughts into statements.

Schizophrenia, unfortunately does not have a cure, but rather has treatments for the disorder. There are factors that sways towards a good or poor prognosis of schizophrenia. Factors that lend towards a good prognosis include; no family history of schizophrenia, fewer negative symptoms, and symptoms displayed at an older age. Factors that lends towards a poor prognosis include; family history of schizophrenia, strong negative symptoms, early onset of disorder, and history of substance abuse. All of these factors play in a role whether the prognosis of schizophrenia will be good or poor.

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