The positive and negative syndrome Scale (PANSS) was used to monitor the change from the baseline and at 2. 4. And 8 weeks after start of the medical therapy. The trial was conducted at two universities affiliated psychiatric hospital in Iran. Raloxifine to risperidone and risperidone to placebo were given to participants three time a day for 8-weeks. Researchers concluded that reloxifene as an adjunctive treatment was only effective in improving the positive symptoms and it had no effect on the negative symptoms (Kianimehr et al., 2014).
I gained a lot of knowledge and insight about schizophrenia while working on this research paper. All the biases I had prior to researching and reading about schizophrenia have been eliminated and corrected. I learned about the role that neurotransmitter play in schizophrenia. I learned how scary and devastating this diagnosed can be. I learned about the struggles patients and their families go through with this disorder. I feel that I gained much insight into the care and compassion that this patient and their family must receive. I feel comfortable caring for a person with