This type of writing style is particularly seen in “To Build a Fire”. Jack London uses simple vocabulary, yet very vivid descriptions of the setting and events taking place in his story. The quote, “Day had broken cold and gray, exceedingly cold and gray, when the man turned aside from the main Yukon trail and climbed the high earth-bank, where a dim and little-traveled trail led eastward through the fat spruce timberland.” is an example of this. Through a good, visual description like that, the reader can actually feel how cold the setting is, see the forest-like area he is traveling through, and how this could be shaping the man’s character through the story. The authors use this visual, descriptive writing so the readers can actually step into the shoes of the character and really understand the idea the author is trying to get across, which in this case is how natural forces shape a person’s
This type of writing style is particularly seen in “To Build a Fire”. Jack London uses simple vocabulary, yet very vivid descriptions of the setting and events taking place in his story. The quote, “Day had broken cold and gray, exceedingly cold and gray, when the man turned aside from the main Yukon trail and climbed the high earth-bank, where a dim and little-traveled trail led eastward through the fat spruce timberland.” is an example of this. Through a good, visual description like that, the reader can actually feel how cold the setting is, see the forest-like area he is traveling through, and how this could be shaping the man’s character through the story. The authors use this visual, descriptive writing so the readers can actually step into the shoes of the character and really understand the idea the author is trying to get across, which in this case is how natural forces shape a person’s