Narrative Essay On The Liars Game

Great Essays
The Liars Game

Over the last several years of my life, my relationship with my father has been rocky and it still is. I remember more than once my father had broken his promises and ignored me. He then pretends it never happened and tries to smooth things over. It makes me so furious to see and know that he does this and does not even own up to his responsibilities as my father. I refuse to call him “father” outside of an essay, but for the sake of the essay, he will thus be referred to as “my father”.

It was twenty twelve; the plan was that we would go to Pittsburgh for the day and come back home. I was ready; I had all my things ready to go. I had my things to spend the night at my father’s house and money
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For the first couple of weeks we talked and texted back and forth, and soon we planned to go to an event together. My father, my stepmother, their kids and myself would be going. My stepmother and I ended up going alone, but that wasn’t a surprise to me. I was used to it, so I did not expect anything less. We had a blast and I thought “Finally, I can connect to the closest thing to my father” but soon after she stopped texting me and had blocked me on social media. I was shut out. I tried many times to reach out to my father; I was the one making the effort to talk to him, to build our relationship that we never had. I was the only one making the effort, nothing on his part was being done and so I gave up. I realized that nothing was going to change, he wasn’t, our relationship was not going to change and I stopped contacting him altogether. Over the next few years I was conflicted, occasionally I would try to reach out to him and every once and a while hoping that he would respond or at least acknowledge me. Nothing worked, but his mother tried to make an effort but that soon ended just as quick as it began. Another instance is when I was younger; my father had promised to take me to the fair, only to show up about two hours later when the fair was almost over. I was so angry, but I fell back into the same old …show more content…
I have my mother and my grandparents, and I’m grateful for them. What I take out of these life changing experiences is; don’t think of what you don’t have think of what you do have. I have also learned the hard way that just because someone promises you something it doesn’t mean anything, promises are just words. That’s all, only words and words mean nothing. All this; it’s just one big Liars

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